Jim And Them

#594 Part 1: The Trial Of Andy Signore



Chair Dancer Man: Jim has a prophetic dream of creating a genius character called “Chair Dancer Man” but will Hollywood step in and ruin it!? Andy Signore: Did everyone jump the gun with disgraced Screen Junkies host Andy Signore!? Andy is back with receipts and an HONEST defense. Rebirth: Can someone survive being cancelled!? Can you come back from termination by the social media mob!? PRIDE!, PULP FICTION!, YEAH BABY!, AUSTIN POWERS!, GENDER NORMS!, ACE VENTURA!, FINKLE!, DOM!, SUB!, DEEP, DARK, SECRETS!, THE SHOCKER!, SUFI!, DANE COOK!, CRINGE!, BUS FOLK!, MIKE WILL BE HERE!, TWINK!, NOTHING STORY!, TELL YOU ABOUT MY DREAM!, VAPE!, CHAIR DANCER MAN!, GREAT BIT!, NEW CHARACTER!, JAKE SPRAGUE!, UCB!, UPRIGHT CITIZEN’S BRIGADE!, ORGANIC!, DREAM HOLLYWOOD JAKE!, FEMALE LEAD!, HUGE CREW!, GRIP!, STRONGER!, BRITNEY SPEARS!, YOU’RE GAY!, FEMDOM!, VAMPING!, ANDY SIGNORE!, SCREEN JUNKIES!, METOO!, HARVEY WEINSTEIN!, SEXUAL PREDATOR!, NOT ALL MEN!, BAD TIMING!, NERD!, FLIRTING!, TWITTER!, DMS!, PEDO!, UNDERSHIRT!