Jim And Them

#595 Part 1: Idris Elba Is Cringe



Generation Breakdown: You got your Boomers and you got your Millenials but what about the crossovers!? Also what about the normies and the dank boomers? These are questions that need answers Bussy: Capital One suffered one of the largest data breaches in history and it was committed by a transgender woman so no we must figure out the equivalent of a BUSSY. Idris Elba: As we attempt to breakdown the levels of CRINGE, from Pure Cringe to Faux Cringe we stumble upon the music career of Idris Elba, BOASTYYYYYY RED PILL!, BLUE PILL!, QUIT BEING A CUNT!, THE BOYS!, JIM AND JEFF!, THE J-BOYZ!, TWITCH!, BEERNOCULARS!, PATREON!, REVIEWS!, BOOMERS!, XOOMERS!, ZOOMERS!, SILENT GENERATION!, GENERATION X!, MILLENIALS!, XENNIALS!, JOE ROGAN!, GROUP CHAT!, 1945-1965!, GREATEST GENERATION!, MEMES!, NO SEATBELTS!, FACEBOOK!, STREETLIGHTS!, NO CASH!, NO HOPE!, KEVIN BACON!, MAYO!, CHILIS!, BOOMERS ONLY!, DEBATES!, VOTING!, DON’T VOTE!, LGBTQ!, QUEER!, CAPITAL ONE!, HACKING!, TRANSWOMAN!, PAIGE THOMPSON!, RESPECT PRONOUNS!, N