Jim And Them

#615 Part 2: The Saddest Proposition I’ve Ever Heard



You can find the videos from this episode at our Discord RIGHT HERE! Comedy and Movies: Kristin regales the boys with the “Funniest Men On Twitter Kristin” and Jim gets into movies after a visit from “Guy In The Theater While Jim Was Watching The Grudge Jim” Gabrielle Union: Gabrielle Union letting Uber drivers take a shit in her house for the clout. Also the car of the future, and Matt Groening hanging with Jeffrey Epstein. Cute Older Daddy: We check back in with the wern and introduce Kristin to the ideas of fertility I WANT A STEAK!, THE LIGHTHOUSE!, RUSH!, SPIRIT OF RADIO!, RIP NEIL PEART!, BEACH BOYS!, ARREST!, SINGING!, FUNNIEST MEN ON TWITTER KRISTIN!, OLYMPICS!, MAID FROM FAMILY GUY!, TRUMP’S HAIR!, GLEE!, HBO!, DREAM ON!, GUY IN THE THEATER WHILE JIM WAS WATCHING THE GRUDGE JIM!, JUMP SCARES!, SCARY PARTS!, LAUGHING!, BRUTAL!, CHILD DROWNING!, LIN SHAYE!, NICOLAS PESCE!, THE LODGE!, THE TURNING!, FINN WOLFHARD!, RETARDED TIMOTHEE CHALAMET!, UBER!, GABRIELLE UNION!, DROPPED A DEUCE!, BATHROOM!, GIG