Jim And Them

#620 Part 2: Michael Cera Is The Evil Michael Cera



You can find the videos from this episode at our Discord RIGHT HERE! Boosie V. Dwayne Wade: Boosie has some advice for Dwayne Wade about his trans daughter and Planet Fitness throws their two cents in.   Deadly Facebook Live: After trying to extort some people for being gay and bragging about it on Facebook Live, this lady was murdered.   Max Landis: Max Landis is coming back and some people don’t think that is ok, but everyone deserves a second chance!   LIVING ON A THIN LINE!, THE KINKS!, SOPRANOS!, AJ!, AMERICA!, 620!, SMOKING!, WEED!, DON’T DO IT!, HARD PILL TO SWALLOW JIM!, DESERVE THE SNYDER CUT!, BERNIE SANDERS IS A RUSSIAN OP!, NICKI MINAJ!, TAYLOR SWIFT!, AFRICA!, CRADLE OF CIVILIZATION!, FAKE BITCH!, QUEEN OF REAL!, LIL KIM!, BOOSIE!, DWAYNE WADE!, TRANS!, LGBT!, BLACK COMMUNITY!, PLATFORM!, HIP HOP COMMUNITY!, ELLEN!, CUT HIS DICK OFF!, TOO FAR!, 12 YEAR OLD!, WOMEN!, PRONOUNS!, ADDRESS HIM AS A WOMEN!, HORMONE THERAPY!, GENDER REASSIGNMENT SURGERY!, RACIST!, KICKED OUT!, BOYCOTT PLANET FITNESS!, R