Jim And Them




A Whole New World: We are now living in a whole new world where every other person is a potential infected and they must stay away. IMAGINE: Gal Gadot and her celebrity friends serenade us with John Lennon's Imagine which spurs the discussion on what famous people need to be murdered first, also where does Jake Sprague rate on this list? Ignorance: This is where the news shines, by finding the dumbest people to interview about the coronavirus quarantine. Also conspiracy theories around forcing a vaccine. MONKEY LAMP!, GILMORE GIRLS!, STANDING TALL!, PERFECT STRANGERS!, COUSIN LARRY!, BALKI!, DOOM AND GLOOM!, WINGS OF MY DREAMS!, TGIF!, FULL HOUSE!, STEP BY STEP!, ORIGINAL!, FAMILY MATTERS!, BRONSON PINCHOT!, HAIRDRESSER!, END OF ALL THINGS!, ARMAGEDDON!, BIBBI BABKA!, MYPOS!, FULL OF HEART!, CORONAVIRUS!, SHELTER IN PLACE!, NOT TALK ABOUT IT!, DIFFERENT WORLD!, SOCIETAL CHANGE!, COMMERCE!, MONEY!, LANDLORDS!, RENT!, MORTGAGE!, MONEY IS A CONSTRUCT!, 9/11!, WOKENESS!, PATREON!, CASINOS!, HUNKER DOWN!, TRUMPULU