Jim And Them

Coronatine - #632 Part 1



Mike: Mike Steele is in the building, telling tales of working overtime, Denny's and not being able to have fast food. Coronatine: People are going crazy over this coronatine, between fights at Red Lobster, fights over masks and plastic baggy weed masks. Conspiracy Ramblings: Has the Internet empowered or unified crazy conspiracy theorists or does it just feel that way? Also home remedies for COVID-19 CRAIG EHLO!, MICHAEL JORDAN!, FUCK THIS BULLSHIT!, THE LAST DANCE!, HOUSE OF FUN!, ALL THE FUN!, CUM!, SATURDAY NIGHT LIVE!, DON PARDO!, DICK JOKES!, OUTDATED REFERENCES!, MY BALLS!, A GAY GUY'S ASS!, PATREON!, PLANDEMIC!, BODY SLAM!, THE A-TEAM!, MIKE IS BACK!, OVERTIME!, VIDEO GAMES!, THE LAST OF US PART 2!, LEAK!, ESPIONAGE!, LISTEN TO SHOWS!, LIAR!, TOKYO!, LONDON!, ANNIVERSARY!, TRIP!, PANDEMIC!, CANCELLATION!, REQUIEM FOR A DREAM!, COVID-19!, CORONAVIRUS!, SOCIAL DISTANCING!, TRUMP!, THE BIG GUY!, HEROES!, FAST FOOD!, TACO BELL!, MCDONALDS!, DRIVE THRU!, PHASE ONE!, SIT DOWN!, BURGER KING!, 7 POUNDS!, SOUL