Career Revolution With Dr. Ck Bray | A Place To Fix, Change Or Create Your Best Career

Episode 466 Your Best Work is Ahead of You



As a former employee of FranklinCovey (in my college years), I have always been fascinated by the work and thoughts of Stephen Covey. I am sure you have heard of him as the author of one of the most successful business books of all time, “7 Habits of Highly Effective People.” Near the end of his life, he often wrote about the idea that your best work and life are ahead of you. He called it living a life in crescendo. I can only imagine how hard it must have been for him to feel like, after all the commercial success of his first book, he would never do anything at that level again. He takes on that question in a book he co-wrote with his daughter Cynthia Covey Haller that was recently published, titled “Live Life in Crescendo; Your Most Important Work is Always Ahead of You.” I tackle that same question on today’s podcast. QUOTES BY DR. BRAY  “My best moments are always ahead!” “You can always contribute, no matter what stage of life you’re in.” “Do not allow others to define what success looks like for you.”