Gb @work

Salary Games : What's your last salary?



Last salary? Well, let's just say my salary was like a Bollywood movie - a lot of drama, not much substance, and definitely not worth the price of admission! Recruiters asking for my last salary? Oh, I'm sorry, I thought this was a job interview, not a Bollywood film where my financial history is the main plot twist! The question of whether or not recruiters should ask for a candidate's last salary is a contentious one. Now, I know what you're thinking - what does Bollywood have to do with salary negotiations? Well, just like a Bollywood film, salary negotiations can be full of drama, suspense, and unexpected plot twists. And sometimes, the plot can get slightly ridiculous, just like in a Bollywood movie. So, in this episode, I'll dive deep into the challenges and absurdities of recruiters asking for your previous salary details. We'll explore how this practice can perpetuate pay disparities and discrimination and share some hilarious stories of wrong salary negotiations. So, grab your coffee, old monk or Bor