Yoshi Didn't Podcast

Ep 55: ILLEGAL: “The best alternative to sucking d*** on the street” (Michael Lodberg Olsen)



Welcome to Part One of a special Danish holiday episode of Yoshi Didn't. This podcast episode deals with one of the few major issues that really drives me crazy. Albert Einstein defined insanity as “doing the same thing over and over again and expecting different results." The drug war is 100% pure insanity. We have lost the war, and we all need an alternative for this important health issue.I was very lucky to meet someone like Michael Lodberg Olsen. A social entrepreneur who has dedicated his life to helping people (starting with homeless and abused kids in Romania in the 1980s, and currently trying to pioneer creative solutions for drug users). I traveled across Sweden then to Denmark during Storm Sven, and a five-hour train ride became an 18-hour trip. But it was definitely worth the effort.Not only did Michael L. Olsen create facilities where addicts have a place to rest, eat and use drugs, he also brought several social innovations to this difficult issue. The "Illegal" van which Michael drove around Co