Wedding Reality Check With Sandy Malone

Recruiting Destination Wedding Guests to Travel



  There are lots of ways to share your destination wedding travel information with your guests, but that’s only the first step. You have to make it as easy as possible for people to make their travel arrangements, accommodations reservations, and other travel plans, if they’re using your destination wedding as an excuse for a bigger vacation for themselves. In fact, guests are more likely to attend if they have options that allow them to build a trip that they want to go on, rather than simply booking to and from your wedding. Sandy says make it easy because the old adage is true: If you build it, they will come. Sandy Malone Weddings & Events Weddings in Vieques Podcast: Find us on Podbean, Stitcher, Otto Radio and iTunes and more! Twitter: @SandyMalone_ Facebook Sandy Malone and Sandy Malone Weddings & Events Instagram: SandyMaloneWeddings