Fums: Giving Multiple Sclerosis The Finger

FUMS 027 – Chronic Christmas Celebration with Lene Andersen



Lene Andersen is a writer, health and disability advocate, photographer and chronic illness navigator who has had rheumatoid arthritis since she was four years old. She is the author of the book “Chronic Christmas: Surviving the Holidays With a Chronic Illness” and that’s exactly what we’re talking to her about today! She is extremely grateful to be given a second chance in life. Despite her illness, she feels the need to honor it and decided to help other people dealing with chronic illnesses as well as their family and friends through her books. In this episode, Lene emphasizes the importance of letting go of the perfectionist mindset. If not, you’ll lose the joy of Christmas – being with people you love, chilling and enjoying the moment. Learn to have a good time and enjoy yourself as you listen to today’s episode of FUMS! Enjoy and Happy Holidays! In this episode we discuss: The amazing book Chronic Christmas by Lene Anderson How she pursued her lifelong dream of becoming a writer What made her decide to