Sticker Stories Podcast

Tiphanie Anirah Started CreeAnna's LLC To Share Her Baked Goods



Tiphanie Anirah started CreeAnna's LLC during the COVID pandemic, selling cookies, muffins sweet breads and African meat pies. Now, her products are available at almost every event in Pocatello, Idaho. She learned about African food and culture as a student at Idaho State University, and she started making food at home to share. On the behest of her friends, she soon started sharing her food with more than just friends. Tiphanie harnessed her passion for baking and started her brand by focusing on African Meat Pies, a flaky, pastry filled with meat, vegetables and African spices, as her flagship product. She added cookies, sweet breads, cakes and chin chin, which are small, fried, doughnutlike treats native to West Africa, to her menu. She used her middle name (CreeAnna) as inspiration for the business name and purpose. Now nearing her fourth year in business, she has plans to expand and grow the brand. Listen in to her how she got started and what's next.