What Got You There With Sean Delaney

#333 Mike Burns- Senior Director for Navy SEAL Qualification Training on Leadership, Making Hard Choices and Remaining Calm Under Pressure



Mike Burns:  Previously Senior Director for SEAL Qualification Training at The Naval Special Warfare Command in Coronado, CA. Here, he led a 40-person team executing the operations and administration throughout 62 weeks of high-risk training for 500 SEAL Candidates across the Western United States. Other notable positions and projects include Team Leader for multiple SEAL, Joint Forces, and multinational teams while executing over 100 combat operations in conflict zones around the world. Mike is the recipient of numerous military awards; most notably the Bronze Star Medal with Valor and Navy and Marine Corps Commendation Medal with Valor for leadership and heroism during combat operations. This is an episode I’ve been so excited to record and release because I’ve known Mike Burns since I was 10 years old. We started out as competitors in the lacrosse field and went on to be college roommates and good friends. Mike is one of the handful of people on this planet that I have a ludicrous amount of respect for and