Omg Radio With Jamie Palmer

5 Personality Traits You Need to Develop When Owning a Business



There are some super important personality traits that you need to develop when you own your own business as an entrepreneur! If you want to be uber-successful, having these traits is going to be the key. I want to share the 5 biggest ones that I’ve realized through my 16 years in business. These are the most important ones that you need to develop if you want to have success. The 5 traits: #1- Resiliency – Being an entrepreneur is like a rollercoaster and you have to be resilient to survive in the entrepreneurial world! #2- Grit – This is all about having strength of character when faced with different situations, and having passion over a long period of time! #3- Authenticity – In the online world, so much of the time you’re only seeing the highlight real. I want to show all the ups and downs so that I can be as authentic as possible. #4- Self-Reliant – As an entrepreneur, you have to be able to make decisions for yourself and show up when you don’t feel like it. You have to be able to rely on yourself to k