Victory Fellowship Church Podcast

Pray Like This, Part 2: Hallowed Be Your Name // Jamie Nunnally



What does "hallowed" mean? How do you hallow God's name? In this message, Pastor Jamie Nunnally explains why it is important to hallow God in prayer. Hallowed is actually a verb, not an adjective, that’s why they saw “hallowed be.” Hallowed is often translated holy, but holy is an adjective. Hallowed be thy name is not observing God’s holiness, its declaring God’s holiness. When we declare God’s holiness, we call that worship. To put it in modern day language we use, We would pray “Father in Heaven, I acknowledge that  your name is holy, so I worship you.”  This second line of the Lord’s prayer is a pause for praise. Today’s big idea: start your prayerwith worship! Why start prayer with worship?1. To prevent pride.  Worship puts the focus on someone other than ourselves. Matthew 6:5-6When we pray, we should value honesty over artistry. Don’t try to impress anyone—just be yourself. John 4:24 “For God is Spirit, so those who worship him must worship in spirit and in truth.”Truth here is authentic