Dr. Howard Smith Oncall

How To Hack Your Brain Habit



Vidcast: https://youtu.be/LmzLL69mBUI Repetition is the key to controlling your brain, forming positive habits, and erasing self-destructive behaviors.  Psychologists from Britain’s University of Warwick collaborated with colleagues at Princeton and Brown Universities to create and study a digital mouse model that reveals the secrets of our brains’ habitual and goal-directed controllers. In the experiment, the mice were first taught to trigger their goal-directed controller by pulling one of two levers that gave them a food reward.  When the reward lever was switched after only a few trials, the mice adapted and pulled the new lever in response to the goal-directed controller.  But when the reward lever was switched after many trials, their brain’s habitual controller became dominant and they continued to pull the same lever despite the lack of a reward.If you want to train your brain with a good habit or if you want to erase a bad habit, repeat the desired action over and over again.  With experience you wil