Dr. Howard Smith Oncall

How Losing Weight In A Group Can Fail



Vidcast: https://youtu.be/KU4orDr9WjM The time is here when many are toning their bodies looking ahead to those warm summer days on the beach. When you join a group to lose weight, know that the information you receive about how your group is doing can encourage or discourage your efforts. Yale and McGill University psychologists studied data from an anonymous US-based weight loss company with close to 2 million clients.  I think we can guess which one.  The company’s program is based on a daily calorie budget system. The researchers conclude that group leaders announcing only the weight lost by top performers inspires others in the group to keep trying harder.  Announcing the average weight lost by the group, definitely a lower number, tends to be discouraging. If you’re in one of these “buddy” weight loss program, ask your leaders to announce only info from the Biggest Losers.  That way, more of your group will be winners. #dieting #weightloss #buddysystem #biggestloser #healthnews #healthtips Kosuke Uetake