Bonsai Stuff

Season 5 Episode 3 - Summer Setbacks, Where to find the Positives and The Japan Trip Wrap Up



Summer can be tough on bonsai, really tough and there's a lot to learn from any misfortunes you suffer, it's not all bad. Planning for the worst and all the actions you take with your bonsai provide you the best protection. And when something goes wrong, you need to be able to learn from the situation, take the correct steps and look to prevent a reoccurrence. I also wrap up my first study trip to Japan in this episode and it was a great experience looking back on my time and my learnings.Open OutputOpen Output is a podcast following tech news, gaming and all things digital.Listen on: Apple Podcasts   SpotifySupport the showWhere to find Bonsai Matsu:InstagramFacebookYouTube Web