What Got You There With Sean Delaney

#332 Laurence Gonzales- The Art and Science of Managing Stress in Extreme Situations & Overcoming Adversity



Laurence Gonzales is an award winning author of numerous books such as Deep Survival: Who Lives, Who Dies, and Why and its sequel Surviving Survival: The Art and Science of Resilience, which attempt to answer related questions about how people make bad decisions and what leads some of them to survive and some to perish. On this episode Laurence reveals the keys to managing your stress in extreme situations, understanding the brain for making better decisions and explains why fear doesn’t have to hold you back!  In 2015 he received a Journalism Fellowship from the Santa Fe Institute and in 2016 was given an appointment as a Miller Scholar there. As reported in the official announcement, “The Miller Distinguished Scholarship is the most prestigious visiting position at SFI, awarded to highly accomplished, creative thinkers who make profound contributions to our understandings of society, science, and culture. Scholars are internally nominated and may have backgrounds in the humanities, arts, or sciences. During