Career Revolution With Dr. Ck Bray | A Place To Fix, Change Or Create Your Best Career

Episode 462 12 Life Lessons You Should Implement in 2023



I am amazed by how many brilliant people there are in the world; there is so much we can learn from others. In a recent article by Ryan Holiday (the host of the Daily Stoic Podcast), he shared life lessons he has learned from guests on his podcast. I liked the article so much I wanted to share some of the highlights with you and add my thoughts. As you listen to the 12 Life Lessons, choose one or two that you want to implement in 2023 to make this year better than last year. I hope the lessons spark your thinking and self-reflection. I also hope you are smarter and wiser than before you listened to the podcast! ** QUOTES BY DR. BRAY “If you want to have sustained excellence, you have to be able to rejuvenate.” “We need to know how to show up and how to solve problems when things are going well, when conditions aren’t perfect.” “Reading will change your life, and you DO have time!” “Life will never be fair.” “Your choices have meaning.”