Ham Radio Podclass 2016

Podcasting is NEW again! Podcasting 2.0 and Carnivore Diet – MDW385



?????????? Wow. I talked a lot :)  This was recorded LIVE and LIT. I was on the Podcasting 2.0 show with Adam Curry (The Podfather), Dave Jones (The Podsage) and Todd Cochrane (CEO Bluibrry). It was a great show. Go check it out! Find it on Podverse or any NEW podcast app at NewPodcastApps.com.   I'm super excited about the Podcast 2.0 project and the features we have implemented at my Day Job (Blubrry.com). It feels to me very much like Podcasting felt back in the beginning of podcasting 2004-2005.  I go over some of those features and why YOU might be interested as a listener OR podcaster. The good old days are back! In other subjects, I have started what is known as the Carnivore diet or PHD (Proper Human Diet) in hopes of improving my health.  I talked quite a bit about it in this episode. To help me NOT bore everyone I know with it, I have started an Audio blog (read Podcast DOh!) called My Carnivore Health Journey.  It's available here: https://mikedell.com/carnivore-2/  It's a blog as well as a