Victory Fellowship Church Podcast

Make Room for Community // Jamie Nunnally



Do you have a close community or are you only connected? Knowing people and even having lots of “friends” does not mean that you have a community. In this message, Pastor Jamie Nunnally teaches us how to make room for community in our lives. The key to changing what your full of is to change what you feed on. Christian Community is togetherness. It’s gathering around a common faith & shared values, and relying on one another for help, support and guidance—both naturally and spiritually. It’s doing life together. Surveys show that Americans are lonelier than ever.Don’t confuse community with connectivity. The connectivity of the digital age is convenient, but it is a counterfeit of true community.Don’t confuse community with being friendly.Don’t confuse community with assembly. In scripture, the word for community in Greek is koinonia - fellowship, association, sharing, joint participation, intimacy. Acts 2:42The invitation to follow Christ, is an invitation into community, because other people have been i