Victory Fellowship Church Podcast

Make Room For Service // Eric Robertson



Did you know that serving others is a vital aspect of how we grow spiritually? In this message, Pastor Eric Robertson shares how we can make room for this important part of our faith. Service is the act of helping others from a place of compassion in order to give glory to God. Compassion= Intention, Giving Glory to God = Purpose Service is an essential part of your spiritual growth but it often gets the least amountof attention. Worship, prayer, and bible study get talked about and implemented in most of our lives. But service is often viewed as extra or voluntary. The reason that we struggle to make room for service is because our hustle culture is holding our time hostage. Maybe you want to serve more but fell you don’t have time for it.  Maybe you are burned out or were hurt during past times of ministry.  Maybe you are lazy? Lacking time and motivation to serve the Lord indicates that you are lacking in your personal spiritual health. Service is a spiritual discipline. Service is a part of how we take ca