Open Up Podcast With Lachlan Samuel

Do something that SCARES you!



This is for all my MEN out there looking the create a life they love by breaking out their comfort zone! I consider myself deeply committed to myself and self actualisation so those arent the only fears Ive broken through lately... A couple in the last year have been: -Returning to the mining industry as a mental health speaker after being evacuated for being suicidal -Pricing a couple weekends of work at $50,000, which was way beyond anything I though I could ever hold or be worthy of. -Crying in front of strangers. -Holding the first ever FIFO mental health summit...twice. -Getting naked in front of a room of 100 people. -Confronting my parents. -Owning my mistakes, mostly around ego driven behaviour. -Allowing myself to be seen. -Allowing myself to be supported, especially by women. -Paying $9000 for a course