Open Up Podcast With Lachlan Samuel

#125 - Bryn Edwards - Our addiction to knowing



This week we're back to chat with Bryn Edwards, host of WA real, to talk about conspiracies, narcissism, psyche, shadow, knowing and a whole lot more. I've gotta be honest, I came into this interview believing that Bryn was of the same belief as me, that "we need to stand up and fight for our rights".... BOYYY was I wrong lol. Bryn came in absolutely firing and spoke into what he sees playing out in those that are taking a stand for either side. Let me be clear, this will trigger some of you, but if you're open to receiving, I know this will be one of the most powerful, profound and aligning interviews you will listen to. This conversation was the loving slap in the face that I needed to move from a state of resistance and anxiety, to one of surrender, openness and ultimately peace. I really do hope you enjoy this.