Open Up Podcast With Lachlan Samuel

#251 - How to be Authentically YOU (Live workshop)



#251 - How to be Authentically YOU (Live workshop) This is a workshop I created specifically for the Conscious Leaders event here in Perth a few weeks back. I do feel there is real power in this, but this was just an outlet for me to get some of my thoughts around this topic, out of my head and onto paper. I wanted to approach this from a slightly different perspective. Instead of focusing on action and behaviour, choosing to focus on what compels those actions and how we can begin to make more consistent and aligned actions, which lead to showing up as authentic... at least more often than not. As of right now I have no intention of refining and continuing to deliver this, but if you see value in it, I would be more than happy to come to your club/organisation and do so. #mentalhealth #emotionalhealth #authenticity #trauma #vulnerbaility #menswork #embodiment