Star Wars: Ties

Episode 23--Jedi Archives--Spring of Heroines 1



It’s the initial episode of the Spring of Heroines in this exciting episode of Star Wars: TIES! Lando Fett (Landon), Rob Vader (Rob) and Jay-2S0 (Jameson) catch up on Star Wars recents and enter the Jedi Archives to read Princess Leia issue #1 (2015). What better way to begin a series on Star Wars heroines than with the beautiful and spunky Princess Leia! This Jedi Archive review and hologram static is all shared over a mixed berry flavored glass of blue milk! If you are interested in the Power of the Force toy line released in the mid-1990s that Landon and Jameson talk about, below is a link to information about the expanded universe collection, including the Grand Admiral Thrawn discussed. Information about the new Galaxy of Adventure toy line can be found here: The Star Wars Kids YouTube channel featuring Star Wars Galaxy of Adventure can be found here: