Star Wars: Ties

Episode 26--Mos Eisley Drive-In--Episode IX Teaser Trailer Review



In this episode of the Star Wars: TIES Lando Fett and Jay-2S0 are joined by “the Wook,” Mr.Caleb Parham. These three cantina band members toot through some listener feedback and then hop over to the Mos-Eisley Drive-In to watch and break-down the Episode 9 Teaser Trailer! We are so excited for “The Rise of Skywalker” at Star Wars: TIES!! Grab a glass of blue (or green) milk and join us for a Skywalker-level collection of speculations and ramblings over an Easter-themed super-sweet glass of Peep-flavored blue milk! William Shakespeare's Star Wars can be found here: To use your library card to check out e-books or audiobooks on your devices, check out the Libby app. More information here: The LEGO Star Wars 20th Anniversary Sets can be found at the following links: Or