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Relationship Series: "The Bottom" Divorce, and Dating with Tylor Wix



In this episode Omar sat down with Tylor aka "Twix" to discuss his latest music project "The Bottom," and his journey in life that has brought him to this point. Tylor goes into detail of why he believes his marriage ended in divorce, and how that affected his faith as well as his heath. After a failed marriage at a young age its easy to understand how one may feel like they have hit "the bottom," but Tylor seems to have a renewed and healthy perspective from past experiences and is climbing his way back to the top. I had a both interesting and entertaining conversation with Twix. A perfect episode if vanilla is your favorite of the 31 flavors. All the music for this episode was provided by Tylor Wix. Featured was a sample from "the monster" and "the cannonball" both on his newest album and can be found in iTunes, Spotify, or however you get your tunes.  Also, don't forget to follow all our socia-media and "like and subscribe" on iTunes and leave a 5 star ra