Awakening With Glenn Bleakney

Gospel Privilege: The Unearned Advantage That's Meant for Everyone



In this episode of the Kingdom Community Show, Glenn Bleakney speaks with missionary David Joannes about his book, Gospel Privilege. This is a powerful and convicting interview! Heidi Baker says of David's book:"Meditating on the reality of your gospel privilege will build your faith, knowing that a life set upon the kingdom of God will bear eternal fruit." — HEIDI BAKER, Co-founder of Iris Global and author of many books, including Birthing the MiraculousDescription: In this upside-down world, when the have and have-nots are at war; when the privileged and underprivileged contend for resources, man fails to look at what’s truly important: eternity. In America, the fight for equal rights, better treatment under the law, social justice, and income inequality permeate our dialogues. Now more than ever, people are vying for power and influence. Yet too few in this country actually consider the greatest power of all, known to millions of believers worldwide as the kingdom of God.In America, you will fin