Authentic Biochemistry

The Circadian clock and the Acquired Immune Response coordinate at the event of transcription factor mediated aging phenotype. Dr Daniel J. Guerra



Dr. Guerra hybridizes multiple strands of published biochemical research to obtain an event ontology for potentiating factors leading to the aging human pathophysio9logical phenotype.  In this lecture  I include the following detail: 1. Nuclear factor interleukin 3 (NFIL3, also known as E4-binding protein 4, E4BP4) is a repressor of numerous genes. where an N-terminal domain directly binds to its response element, while the C-terminal region is responsible for homo- or heterodimerization to induce a temporally synchronized geometric configuration obtaining as a transcriptional repression domain 2. NFIL3 represses genes by recruiting histone deacetylase 2 and G9a histone methyltransferase in diverse physiological networks including the circadian clock,  acquired immune response, cell fate, and intermediary metabolism. Papers to read: Experimental & Molecular Medicine volume 51, Article number: 80 (2019) Journal of Molecular Endocrinology (2019) 63, R93–R102 SUPPORT AUTHENTIC BIOCHEMISTRY! Su