Authentic Biochemistry

T lymphocyte maturation and memory cell accumulation are differentially mediated by sphingomyelinase and protein palmitoylation. Dr Dan Guerra. 01 Jan 2021



Naive T lymphocytes, as opposed to memory  T cells(which are more common in aging) carry out homolactate fermentitive glycolysis.  Memory cells are operating under complete aerobic metabolism involving  mitochondrial bioenergetics including the TCA cycle but also fatty acid oxidation as a source for reducing equivelents to drive the electrontransport chain and oxidative phosphorylation. The regulation of these alternative pathways involves allosteric modification of key enymes and trafficking proteins intracellularly. The acid sphingimyelinase and protein palmitoylation enzymatic machinery coordinates this regulation by changing the membrane micro-environment. ********************************************************************************************************************************************************** Please donate to Authentic Biochemistry 2021! We need your  financial support to continue producing this precison content podcast. Subscribe and contribute today and share this pod