Authentic Biochemistry

The Corticotropin Releasing Factor and the Somatosensory Catecholamine Circuit in ExtraDimensional (attentional) Shifting. Dr Guerra 20 Jan 2021.AB.



Adaptation to stress-such as the fear response obtains dopaminergic input to striatum and prefrontal cortex and  is thought to signal unexpected events and facilitate a shift in attention to promote new learning within the contralateral primary somatosensory cortex (SI) which has been associated with the agentic categories of both the quality and quantity of thought event ontology. This process works in conjunction with  the bilateral secondary somatosensory cortex (SII) process  involved in executive  decision making. Where stimulated, the primary sensory motor-neuronal process  is integrated with novel extra-dimensional learning . Recall that this fear stress response can lose functional valency upon immune-regulating, senescent secretory phenotypes.   In the aging brain, where CRF axon terminals are widely distributed, (including within catecholamine and serotonin  nuclei) there are widespread cortical projections into the medial prefrontal cortex; linking  exec