Authentic Biochemistry

Corticotropin Releasing Factor and the Monoamine Fear Response in Aging. Sequence II. The reverse learning scenario as cognitive redistribution of neural transmission valency. DJGPhD.21.01.2021.



Homeostatic  chronic  low stress results in low to moderate levels of CRF in the LC in association with  enhanced Extra-Dimensional Shifting and optimal executive decision making. However, acute or chronic severe stress is linked to  high levels of CRF in the LC and this may  contribute to a shift from optimal executive function necessary for goal-directed behavior toward an iterative decision response.  In healthy environments, this variable tonicity is a readout for adaptation  when goal-oriented behavior is relaxed so that the individual uses pro-forma decisions  even when novel environmental stimuli are encountered. During aging these pathways lose flexibility due to a decrease in executive decision making linked to the senescence phenotype that may impair neural circuitry via inflammation, over or under activation and lack of control over  immune cell responses. J Neurosci. 2008 Nov 5; 28(45): 11517–11525. GeroScience. 2017 Feb; 39(1): 61–72. Neuroscience. 201