Women Inspired! | Weekly Interviews With Some Of The World's Most Inspiring Women!

0051 | My Journey Back from Postpartum Depression



This episode is a very special, very personal episode of the Women Inspired podcast. In this episode, I share with you my firsthand experience with postpartum depression and PTSD. I wanted to share this story for a few reasons: I want to give more attention to a condition that impacts so very many women after they give birth.In a time that should be one of the happiest of our lives, so many of us struggle with postpartum mental health issues, and it needs to be something we get out in the open. If you've experienced it, I want you to know that you are NOT ALONE, and you are not weak or damaged somehow because you're going through this.  I also want you to know that there are resources to help you, and it is WORTH IT to reach out and get help.  I'm releasing this episode in advance of another very special episode, an interview with Lisa Wimberger, the author of the book "Neurosculpting." I credit this book as the turning point and the tool that helped me finally move through postpartum de