Women Inspired! | Weekly Interviews With Some Of The World's Most Inspiring Women!

0054 | How Becoming the Best Version of Yourself Helps Attract the Perfect Partner



How many of you know someone who constantly dates the wrong type of person? Someone who doesn't treat them well. Someone who isn't kind. Or, simply, someone who just isn't a great match.  This week, we're talking to Dr. Diana Kirschner, psychologist and best-selling author about why this pattern happens to people and how they can break the cycle. In our interview, Dr. Diana and I talk about how our early life experiences create mental "templates" or "scripts" that set our expectations for what love should look and feel like. These templates become our relationship comfort zones, and without even knowing it, we seek out partners who conform to these templates....even if they're bad for us. Yikes! More importantly, Dr. Diana talks to us about how to start rewriting these scripts or templates, starting with an exercise to reveal what she calls your "Diamond Self-Identity."  SPOILER ALERT! During her interview, Dr. Diana takes me through an exercise to identify my Diamo