Women Inspired! | Weekly Interviews With Some Of The World's Most Inspiring Women!

Become a Better Leader by Building Psychological Strength with Noelle Cordeaux



Have you ever thought about all of the ways you show up as a leader in your life?   Think about it.   The most obvious is probably a leadership position at work or in your company. But, how about in your relationships outside of work? How about as a parent? How about as a romantic partner?  All of these aspects of our lives, and even more than those I mentioned, involve elements of leadership, which is why I am so excited about this week’s episode.  This week we are speaking with Noelle Cordeaux, CEO and founder of JRNI (pronounced “Journey”). Noelle is an expert in the ways in which Applied Positive Psychology and Coaching intersect to help people show up in a more effective way.   She holds a Graduate Certificate in Executive & Professional Coaching, and her graduate studies include a Masters in Social Work and a Ph.D. in Human Sexuality.  During our interview we talk about:  The history of the field of Positive Psychology. The history of the field of coaching.  Specifically, we have a deep discussion