New York Now

New York’s Budding Cannabis Industry



On this week's edition of New York NOW: We sat down with Damian Fagon, the Social and Equity Officer at the Office of Cannabis, to discuss the card program, initiatives, and other details that are setting New York apart from the rest of the nation. The market infrastructure makes it more difficult for companies to monopolize the industry and the Seeding Opportunity Initiative is helping meet some of the equity and justice goals from the MRTA. We'll discuss the characteristics of the market infrastructure that makes it possible to bar these monopolies, two-tier restriction, and horizontal restriction. We will also be looking at how the two-tier market supports those initiatives and goals.  Learn more about New York's cannabis plan, the MRTA licenses, and the Seeding Opportunity Initiative and how it's giving those from underserved populations access to the cannabis industry. And visit Claudine Field Apothecary, farmed by KingAswad and Jasmine Burems. They discuss how their small family farm will be part of the