Discerning Hearts Catholic Podcasts » Deacon James Keating

SOP3 – The Mystery of Intercessory Prayer and God’s Great Mercy – The School of Prayer: Reflections on the teachings of Pope Benedict XVI w/ Deacon James Keating



Episode 3- The School of Prayer: Reflections on the teachings of Pope Benedict XVI – Abraham the great Patriarch who prays in intercession for Sodom and Gomorrah. The mystery of intercessory prayer and God's great mercy. When we persist in prayer, like Abraham, the more we come to know God and trust in His love for us. How sin corrupts our capacity to receive God's movement of protection and love. How the sacrifice of Christ opens the door to the mystery. If we can learn how to pray, then we learn how to be loved. How do we pray for others? The post SOP3 – The Mystery of Intercessory Prayer and God’s Great Mercy – The School of Prayer: Reflections on the teachings of Pope Benedict XVI w/ Deacon James Keating appeared first on Discerning Hearts Catholic Podcasts.