Charlotte Angel Connection

Charlotte Angel Connection Episode 091: Jason Tuttle, Principal Nova Capital Partners



Today, we have Jason Tuttle joining us on the podcast.  Jason is a Principal and a co-founder of Nova Capital Partners – a local real estate investment firm. Jason is a different guest for us. At Nova Capital Partners, they’ve spent the last 8 years (2011 – 2019) identifying under-appreciated real estate in the Carolina’s and raising money from investors to purchase each property - in a special purpose vehicle (SPV) type entity. After successfully doing it over 11 properties and continually providing income to investors, Jason and his business partner, Andy English, made the decision late last year to raise a real estate investment fund to allow them to make purchases as they arise without the constant need to fundraise.  They expect to close the fund in the next several weeks.  However, it will have an annual opening of which they will take new investor money. I’ve known Jason for 5 years now and have been constantly intrigued by their business model.  They aren’t interested in the glamorous real estate p