Kol Ramah

Parsha Talk Mikketz 2022 5783



Parsha Talk with Rabbis Eliot Malomet, Barry Chesler and Jeremy Kalmanofsky. Parashat Miqqetz [Genesis 41:1-44:17] is the second of the four parashiyot which tell the story of Joseph. It begins in the court of Pharaoh, with the third set of 2 dreams. The butler now remembers Joseph and tells Pharaoh there is a Hebrew slave who can interpret his dreams. This sets in motion a chain of events which leads to Joseph’s release from prison, the correct interpretation of Pharaoh’s dreams, and the appointment of Joseph as second in command to Pharaoh. In the meanwhile, Jacob’s family is in need of more food, so the sons get Jacob to acquiesce to sending Benjamin. As the story unfolds, Benjamin is accused of stealing Joseph’s goblet. They return to Joseph, where Judah makes an impassioned plea on behalf of Benjamin to return to Jacob, and for Joseph to take Judah in his stead. As the rabbis have programmed the cycle of Torah readings, we are meant to brood upon this sad state of events for the week. While on on