Trojan War: The Podcast




THE STORY:  (49 minutes)   Agamemnon doesn’t dare launch his invasion of Troy until Achilles - Greece’s very own “weapon of mass destruction” – is part of the operation.  So Odysseus, the cleverest of the warlords, is dispatched to find the elusive Achilles.  Act One of today’s episode is a cleverly constructed mystery.  And Act Two?  Well, let’s just say that Act Two is more than a bit of a drag. THE COMMENTARY: ACHILLES, THE OPERA!  (15 minutes; begins at 49:00)   Stories, myths and legends are like any other element of fashion; they wax and wane in popularity over the decades and centuries.  In this episode of post-story commentary I explore the “Achilles on Skyros” story.  The story, ancient enough that Homer makes passing mention of it in The Iliad (c. 700 B.C.E.) is a wonderfully light and inconsequential moment of candyfloss inside the massive story arc that is the Trojan War Epic.  And the story, as a consequence, has been largely ignored by artists.  Except for a hundred year span in the 18th centur