Be Happy, Be Brilliant



There is a Brilliance within you waiting to be uncovered. Listen and learn the secrets of success and happiness. This podcast is a collection of my public talks, spoken word, and a sprinkling of epic interviews and content from today's top thought leaders.


  • You Are Enough and Worthy

    29/03/2021 Duración: 48min

    The question of worthiness and being enough has less to do with WHO you are, and more to do with how much you are being you.  If you are 100% you there is no doubt it is enough - it is 100%.  The problem is more all the ways in which we divide ourselves in thoughts, beliefs, doubts, and defenses.  What might happen if we allowed ourselves to reintegrate into wholeness?   Enjoy the podcast and for more inspiration check out  - The Brilliance Mission Be Happy, Be Brilliant Podcast Episode originally recorded March 6, 2021 --- Send in a voice message:

  • Desire vs Escape

    12/03/2021 Duración: 56min

    Desire has a diverse meaning, for some it is the spice of life, for others the root of all suffering.  I believe desire motivates us and gives us a guiding direction to head in.  All too often, we are more motivated by what we are avoiding, escaping from, than what we want to cultivate more of in our lives.  This podcast dives deep into how to clarify and turn toward what you want. Enjoy the podcast and for more inspiration check out  - The Life Mastery Tribe Be Happy, Be Brilliant Podcast Episode originally recorded March 6, 2021 --- Send in a voice message:

  • What Feminine Power Is & How We Activate it!

    04/01/2021 Duración: 42min

    Our we in a turning tide from masculine dominated culture to a more feminine guidance?  In this episode with guest speaker Layla El Khadri (@laylaelkhadri) we get deep into the different archetypes of masculine and feminine, and how cultivating the ability to listen and follow the inner feminine intuition (men have it too) might just be the key for our future balance and fulfillment. Enjoy the podcast.  A video replay is available on the Resolutions 2021 Summit Series. Be Happy, Be Brilliant Podcast Episode originally recorded Dec 30, 2020 Part of BrillianceEDU Summit Series - Resolutions 2021 --- Send in a voice message:

  • How Work Has Evolved in 2020

    04/01/2021 Duración: 53min

    While many people are still waiting for things to go back to "normal", it looks like workplaces may have just seen a transformation that isn't going back to how it was.  Workforces were distributed into a remote working situation and employers came to realize it just might be a better business model.  In this episode, with guest speaker Jason Campbell (@jasonmarccampbell) we talked about what skills and qualities employers will look more for in a remote working future. Enjoy the podcast.  A video replay is available on the Resolutions 2021 Summit Series. Be Happy, Be Brilliant Podcast Episode originally recorded Dec 30, 2020 Part of BrillianceEDU Summit Series - Resolutions 2021 --- Send in a voice message:

  • Finding the "I" in Intimacy: How to Use Your Relationships as Catalysts for Personal Growth

    02/01/2021 Duración: 51min

    Sometimes we need a partner to help dig up the deeper shadows, muck, and parts of ourselves we've hidden away from the world.  Through relationship, we are given the opportunity to do our deepest most intimate personal growth.  This episode with guest speaker Mona Green (@heynamasme) gets into the shadows we hide from, and the powerful tools in relationships we can use to transform them. Enjoy the podcast.  A video replay is available on the Resolutions 2021 Summit Series. Be Happy, Be Brilliant Podcast Episode originally recorded Dec 29, 2020 Part of BrillianceEDU Summit Series - Resolutions 2021 --- Send in a voice message:

  • Moving From Surviving to Thriving

    02/01/2021 Duración: 29min

    Most people are stuck in a survival (fight or flight) mindset, working hard every day just to pay the bills and maybe dream about a better life.  The problem is that most people focus on what they have or don't have now, and what they fear losing in the future.  This leads to more scarcity and more survival mentality.  This episode goes into what shift in mindset and belief must happen to start focusing on what you want in life, rather than what you are avoiding. Enjoy the podcast.  A video replay is available on the Resolutions 2021 Summit Series. Be Happy, Be Brilliant Podcast Episode originally recorded Dec 29, 2020 Part of BrillianceEDU Summit Series - Resolutions 2021 --- Send in a voice message:

  • Retiring Old Paradigms to Invite a New Reality

    02/01/2021 Duración: 44min

    A look into impermanence and death, and cultivating a culture that is not afraid to LIVE.  Guest speaker Swaady Martin (@swaady_martin) takes us deep into ideas about letting go of the old, moving from external authorities to internal, and allowing life to be less serious and more playful! Enjoy the podcast.  A video replay is available on the Resolutions 2021 Summit Series. Be Happy, Be Brilliant Podcast Episode originally recorded Dec 28, 2020 Part of BrillianceEDU Summit Series - Resolutions 2021 --- Send in a voice message:

  • Modern Day Spirituality

    02/06/2020 Duración: 37min

    Spirituality is often defined as an esoteric view or lifestyle.  A woo woo mentality about the world and the unseen.  What if spirituality were actually the simple habits we cultivate to find inspiration from within? Enjoy the podcast and for more inspiration check out  - The Life Mastery Tribe Be Happy, Be Brilliant Podcast Episode originally recorded March 21, 2020 --- Send in a voice message:

  • Finding Calm in Crisis

    24/05/2020 Duración: 30min

    The Chinese character for Crisis is made up of two is danger and the other is opportunity.  Crisis is  a combination of both.  In the crisis we are experiencing now through COVID-19, there is a massive change, and change is always a danger because one thing is breaking down, and another is building up..and that's where the opportunity lies.  This episode dives deep into how to move through major change with calm, clarity, and focus of direction. Enjoy the podcast and for more inspiration check out  - The Life Mastery Tribe Be Happy, Be Brilliant Podcast Episode originally recorded March 19, 2020  --- Send in a voice message:

  • #7 - Reclaim Your Life, Find Control in Chaos (Special Breathwork Episode)

    12/04/2020 Duración: 01h10min

    With the world in a massive (and unknown) transition, it can be easy to feel helpless, out of control, afraid, and spiraling into reactions and triggers. I this podcast I will give you some tools, mindset, and inspiration to RECLAIM YOUR LIFE...and your power to choose how you respond, how you act, how you move forward. Enjoy the podcast and for more Breathwork check out the course  - 9 BREATHS TO BREAKTHROUGH Be Happy, Be Brilliant Podcast Episode originally recorded April 10, 2020 (Special Breathwork Episode) --- Send in a voice message:

  • #6 - Relationship Tips During a Global Pandemic (Coronavirus)

    27/03/2020 Duración: 20min

    As a heart coach working with people's relationship to self and to others...I will admit I never thought I'd be talking on the subject of what to do when a global crisis hits and you find yourself trapped at home with your significant other...but well here we go. I get to bring my significant other, the beautiful Christina Wedding (my fiancé) on the show with me today, as we dive into what it takes to cultivate a solid foundation in relationship, so that when crazy world pandemics occur, you both don't lose yourselves. We talk about the power of choice, space, practices of recognition, expression, and daily routines to create a sense of stability, support, and teamwork in your relation.  Enjoy the podcast and for deeper conversations join  - The Brilliance Call Be Happy, Be Brilliant Podcast Episode originally recorded March 27, 2020 (the Coronavirus lockdown)

  • #5 - Three Steps For A Lasting Relationship

    09/03/2020 Duración: 11min

    Relationships are not fairy tales of conquering dragons and then living happily ever after... A good relationship that endures is one where both people choose to grow with each other.  Not settle with, not find in perfection, but to realize we are all humans and have are strengths and our challenges, our light and our dark, and to together grow, heal, and rise into greater potential with each other's support.  This episode will explore 3 core concepts that assist in creating long, strong, and enduring relationships. Enjoy the podcast and for deeper conversations join  - The Brilliance Call Be Happy, Be Brilliant Podcast Episode originally recorded in December 2018 

  • #4 - Needs Vs Wants

    22/02/2020 Duración: 34min

    What is the difference between the things we need and the things we want? It seems a simple enough distinction, and yet so often we suffer for not having what we want, because we think we NEED it.  This podcast get's into just what the root difference is, how needs are about survival and wants about how we experience life beyond surviving.  Enjoy the podcast and for deeper conversations join  - The Brilliance Call Be Happy, Be Brilliant Podcast Episode originally recorded on Feb 11, 2017

  • Episode 4 - Expressing Your Boundaries Without Creating Barriers

    18/04/2019 Duración: 11min

    Most people are terrible at expressing boundaries, not because they can't say No, but because they don't know what they want.  A boundary expressed with a barrier keeps everything out...including anything you might WANT to receive.  Thus, learning to express your boundaries with clarity rather than walls is an important key.  Today's podcast gets into just how to do that, along with a secret "ninja strategy" to make sure you express without offending others or neglecting your own needs. Enjoy the podcast and for deeper conversations join  - The Brilliance Call Be Happy, Be Brilliant Podcast Episode originally recorded on April 16, 2019

  • Episode 2 - Our Habits and Our Heart

    12/04/2019 Duración: 15min

    Are you aware of the habits that determine your life direction?   We often don't realize that the little things we do daily are the building blocks of our future reality.  We might attempt to change our history with New Years resolutions, goals, and "I'll never do that again" statements...but ultimately the real power is to see the reality of this moment, allow for change, and set the direction with clarity.  Then the practice of positive habits begins to move you on that path. Enjoy the podcast and for deeper conversations join  - The Brilliance Call Be Happy, Be Brilliant Podcast

  • Episode 1 - The Art of Holding Space (TEDx Talk)

    06/04/2019 Duración: 17min

    In 2011, I had the distinct honor of speaking at the first TEDx Talk in Bali, Indonesia.  I shared on the art of holding space - that act of presence we get to share with people in our lives and with ourselves deep inside.  Holding space is more than paying attention, it's an art of listening, acknowledging, supporting, seeing, and allowing.     Enjoy the podcast and for deeper conversations join  - The Brilliance Call Be Happy, Be Brilliant Podcast

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