Taking Stock With Vincent Wall



Vincent Wall is joined by experts on the big issues facing economies and societies across the world and the direction of the future economy.


  • Moneyball, The Real East Germany and Tucker Carlson Exits Stage Right.

    28/04/2023 Duración: 48min

    What’s going on with Global Sport? This week on Taking Stock Mandy Johnston is joined by Nathan Murphy from ‘Off the Ball’ to discuss if the incredible levels of investment in sports nowadays actually make us consumers rather than fans. Mandy talks to the author of “Beyond the wall” - a new book which chronicles the short life of East Germany. It's a book that's getting rave reviews and reveals a colourful history that is full of surprises. And finally, as Tucker Carlson exits Fox News stage right Mandy examines the man, his influence, his departure and what might happen next in a media career that has been defined by politics and division.

  • Dirty Laundry, Rapid AI and A Gigantic Surplus.

    21/04/2023 Duración: 48min

    It’s shaping up to be the great question of our time; AI is moving at a pace that its creators never really expected. This week on Taking Stock Mandy Johnston asks can we control it before it controls us when she talks to Sarah Mayer West of the AI Now Institute. And back home, as organised crime featured large in the news this week, Mandy looks at the figures involved and where and how criminal gangs are stashing their money in the modern era with John Mooney of the Sunday Times. And finally bumper revenues and exports were outlined this week by Government and Enterprise Ireland. Mandy is joined by Cliff Taylor of the Irish Times to outline what this might mean for the future and if tax cuts will be a major discussion point in the months ahead for the Government.

  • A Downbeat IMF and An Upbeat Art Fraud Market.

    14/04/2023 Duración: 47min

    This week on Taking Stock Mandy Johnston takes a closer look at fraud in the art world, where counterfeit work now accounts for one fifth of all art in circulation. Mandy chats to Barbara Dawson the Director of the Hugh Lane Gallery. This week the International Monetary Fund issued a warning of a possible “hard landing” for the global economy if higher inflation keeps interest rates keep going. Mandy talks to Colby Smithy the US Economics Editor of the Financial Times. Plus after the recent Beijing ‘simulated’ bombing raids on the island of Taiwan Mandy talk to Amy Hawkins of the Guardian about what is happening in the South China Sea and why it is of such strategic importance in global politics.

  • UFO’S in the Sky and Former Presidents in the Dock.

    07/04/2023 Duración: 52min

    It seems the skies over America are in a strange state and this week on Taking Stock Mandy Johnston is talking about UFOs and Chinese Balloons and Aerial Mysteries - with Jeff Wise a scientific journalist about the strange goings on in American skies. And back on the ground Donald Trump was in the dock and Mandy talks to Joe Miller of the Financial Times in NYC who had a front row seat. And author Helen Edwards talks about her new book ‘From Marginal to Mainstream,’ where she examined 50 behaviours to understand why some business ideas take off and others don't.

  • Keeping Business In The Family.

    31/03/2023 Duración: 51min

    It’s not personal, just business! This week on Taking Stock Mandy Johnston chats about the hit series everyone is glued to; ‘Succession’ and explores the history of family business in the media and beyond. Cliff Taylor of the Irish Times discusses the ESRI's & Irish Fiscal Advisory Council's recent musings on the Irish economy and why the Government are considering a ‘top-up tax’ for big business. Mandy also talks Tom Wainwright of the Economist magazine about their major study that looks at how prevalent ‘gaming’ is now in our economy and society.

  • Boris on the Bold Step

    24/03/2023 Duración: 47min

    Boris was back in the dock this week. The Ex-PM was hauled in front of the parliamentary privileges committee as part of the investigation into whether he had deliberately misled the Commons. This week on Taking Stock Mandy Johnston talks to Stephen Castle who is the London Correspondent for the New York Times to get the low down on the testimony Boris gave. Mandy also discusses the issue of losing a very high profile job; being made redundant can be a difficult experience for anyone, but when it happens to those in the C-Suite, it can be very public. And finally, what’s going on with TikTok and why are countries banning it?

  • Trouble at the Fed, Biden's Visit and the Power of Festivals

    17/03/2023 Duración: 43min

    This week on Taking Stock Mandy Johnston talks to Howard Schneider the Federal Reserve correspondent with Reuters about the chaos being caused by the collapse of Silicon Valley Bank. Former Ambassador to the US Michael Collins chats to Mandy about what President Biden's visit to Ireland means metaphorically and logistically. Plus Mandy talks to Ciara Sugrue who is the head of Festivals and Events with Failte Ireland about the changing nature of the Irish Festival.

  • Running Out of Wind

    10/03/2023 Duración: 50min

    This week on Taking Stock Mandy Johnston talks to Lorcan Allen of the Sunday Business Post about the ‘actual’ state of Ireland’s Windy Energy Sector. Conor Pope of the Irish Times details some very frightening ways people can get scammed. Plus Mandy talks to Steve Dempsey, Product Director at Mediahuis Ireland about how Facebook is now using AI to perfect advertising that's uniquely designed for you and how AI is affecting search engines.

  • Murdoch's Role In Trump's Election Lie

    03/03/2023 Duración: 48min

    This week on Taking Stock Mandy Johnston delves into the world of Silicon Valley and the ongoing saga of Sam Bankman Fried with Joshua Oliver of the Financial Times. Staying stateside Rupert Murdoch testifies that Fox commentators endorsed Trump's 2020 Election. Jeremy Peters of the New York Times tells us all the latest news on the trial that's gripping America. Plus Mandy takes a closer look at the gender pay gap as we approach International Women's Day and how Irish businesses are faring with new reporting requirements when she chats to Doone O'Doherty Tax Partner, People & Organisation with PwC Ireland.

  • Do We Need More Government Departments and Do We Need Cash?

    24/02/2023 Duración: 47min

    Are you curious about the future of cash? This week on Taking Stock Mandy Johnston looks at the Bank of England's plans to design a digital pound. Financial expert Siddharth Venkataramakrishnan from the Financial Times explains the details. Mandy will also be discussing the recent overhaul in Whitehall, as PM Rishi Sunak creates four new Government Departments. She is joined by Frank Fitzgerald of the University of Limerick and Marc Collison of Bangor University to debate whether Ireland should be following in the UK's footsteps. And finally Mandy takes a look back at the one-year anniversary of the invasion of Ukraine by Russian forces. She talks with Jackie Northam the Foreign Affairs correspondent for NPR News, to hear her views on whether the sanctions against Russia have had the desired impact.

  • As I Remember It: Bertie Ahern & The Good Friday Agreement

    23/02/2023 Duración: 02min

    'As I Remember It: Bertie Ahern & the Good Friday Agreement' is a new podcast that tells the story of the Good Friday Agreement as told by those who negotiated it and marks the first time all those involved have reunited to reflect on the negotiations in 25 years. Head to newstalk.com/goodfridayagreement.

  • The Growing World of 'Shadow Work'.

    17/02/2023 Duración: 47min

    This week on Taking Stock Mandy Johnston talks to Rana Foroohar about the phenomenon known as ‘Shadow Working’ where we're becoming increasingly responsible for doing those small jobs that companies used to do for us. 100 days of a leader's reign are said to be crucial, and this certainly holds true for Elon Musk’s new position at Twitter. We’ll be hearing from journalist Chris Stokel-Walker and getting his assessment on how Musk has fared during this period. And finally, with the European Parliament’s decision to phase out petrol and diesel vehicles by 2035, we’ll be discussing the current state of electric cars in Ireland and the challenges that motorists face when choosing to switch to lower carbon emission vehicles with Motoring Journalist Geraldine Herbert.

  • New Leadership Podcast with Bobby Kerr

    16/02/2023 Duración: 01min

    In this new podcast, Life and Leadership, Bobby Kerr explores the lives of some of the most successful Irish business leaders and entrepreneurs of our time, including beauty guru Aimee Connolly and GAA star Bernard Brogan. Listen and follow the podcast now wherever you get your podcasts.

  • Biden's Second Coming

    10/02/2023 Duración: 48min

    This week on Taking Stock Mandy Johnston chats to James Politi of the Financial Times about the current state of President Joe Biden's political career and his potential bid for a second term. As the tech industry continues to make headlines announcing worldwide layoffs it reminds us that losing your job can be a difficult and stressful experience. So Career Consultant Sinead English talks about how to deal with redundancy and getting back on track. Finally Mandy chats to Martin Lipton Chief Sports reporter with the Sun about all that's going on with the Economics of the Premier League.

  • What Are Bank Holidays Costing Us and the Economy?

    03/02/2023 Duración: 45min

    This week on Taking Stock Mandy Johnston looks at cost and benefit of Saint Brigid’s day; with the first bank holiday of the year happening she asks what's bill to the exchequer and the workforce? Mandy is joined by Elizabeth Bowen the acting Director of the Small Firms Association, Mandy will also be discussing the EU's recent announcement of a comprehensive plan to support new investment in 'Green' sectors. With the US making a push to attract green investment, we'll see how this plan could potentially enhance investment in green energy here in Ireland. Mandy talks to Javier Espinoza the EU Correspondent for the Financial Times. Plus Mandy talks to Sean Keyes of the Currency about commercial property investment in Ireland, and why it seems to be lagging behind.

  • Where's the Golden Age of Brexit?

    27/01/2023 Duración: 51min

    As the UK marks the three-year anniversary of its exit from the EU this week, on Taking Stock Mandy Johnston asks if the country is living up to the "golden age" promised by the Conservative leaders and she is joined by Hanna Ziady, a writer for CNN Business in London, Mandy also looks at the current issues facing the medication supply chain and talks to Kathy Maher of the IPU about how you can protect yourself from buying counterfeit drugs online. Mandy also delves into the state of the housing market, exploring the impact of the "Bank of Mum and Dad" and the growing reliance on property inheritance and large deposits for mortgages. She chats to Karl Dieter.

  • From Davos to Disney- This Week's Taking Stock

    20/01/2023 Duración: 47min

    This week on Taking Stock as global leaders gathered in the Swiss Alps, Mandy Johnston looks at the origins of the conference - and finds out what its all about with Jon Sopel of the News Agents Podcast. And over at Disney the Executive Chairs were spinning like a merry go round. Mandy chats to the Financial Times’ LA Chief Christopher Grimes about all the drama in the boardroom of one of the world’s largest media companies. And finally we ask why so many new Chinese investors are flocking to the Emerald Isle?

  • The Murky World of the Grey Economy

    13/01/2023 Duración: 47min

    This week on Taking Stock Mandy Johnston talks to journalist Jeff Maysh about the strange story of what happened when he went to be buy his wife a Rolex Watch. Mandy also chats to Former Diplomat Ted Smyth about why Ireland can't take the special relationship between Ireland and the US for granted. Plus Marian Ryan on Taxback tells us about all you should be claiming back.

  • Investigating The Italian Mafia

    06/01/2023 Duración: 45min

    This week on Taking Stock Mandy Johnston talks to Federica Taccogna an International Anti-Financial Crime expert about taking down the Mob and why Financial Crime is so widespread. Mandy asks leading Economist Cormac Lucey if Ireland, Europe or the US are headed for a recession in 2023? Plus the Tourism Industry Confederation CEO will be joining Mandy to explain why he thinks the sector will not fully recover from the pandemic until 2026!

  • The Best Business and Politics Books of the Year

    16/12/2022 Duración: 45min

    There's a Special Taking Stock this week when Mandy Johnston talks to some of her regular contributors about the best business and politics books they read this year. You'll hear from the likes of Mick Clifford and Will Hutton. You might get some last minute gift ideas for the news-obsessed person in your life.

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