Live Trading Talk With Oliver Velez



Oliver L. Velez, one of the today's most celebrated traders, discusses in detail some of the most pertinent topics related to trading success in the financial markets. In this powerful series of talks, Oliver will be sure to elevate your level of market sophistication with practical insights, detailed drills and specific techniques. Listen and listen well.


  • How To Snap Or Break A Losing Streak

    20/08/2020 Duración: 01h01min

    This topic touches the lives of every trader alive, occasionally. Whether your are a beginner or a seasoned vet who has reached the heights of trading mastery, losing streaks or bad trading periods will forever be a reality for you forever. In this broadcast, Oliver Velez is going to share the top 7 things you can do to snap or break these unwanted periods. Many of these things are magical in their own right in terms of their ability to catapult you to the next level in your trading. Learn what they are today. Tune in now!

  • How To Trade With The Confidence of A Pro. Part 2

    20/08/2020 Duración: 01h14min

    Today we expound on the many ideas and concepts we discussed last week about how to foster confident, professional trading that is devoid of doubt, confusion, hesitation and timidity. Join me!

  • How To Journal Your Trades Like A Pro!

    20/08/2020 Duración: 02h35s

    If you aren't journaling your trades, you have no chance of getting better as a trader, according to Oliver Velez. Listen and learn how he teaches his traders to journal their trades. Do this for 3 months, and you will be a better trader for the rest of your life. Do the exercise he reveals in this broadcast for one full year, and you'll change your entire life forever. Listen right now and start the process of elevating yourself to a much higher level. Try it starting TODAY!

  • Fundamental Analysis Versus Technical Analysis

    20/08/2020 Duración: 01h27min

    Which one is better? This has been a question and a raging debate for decades and will likely continue to be so for many more years to come. However, listen to Oliver Velez, and one of his top traders, Dr. Dan Mielcarski passionately discuss the differences between the two and which one they believe actually helps traders and which one actually hurts traders far more then helps them. you'll be amazed at what they say. Tune in now!

  • How To Set Proper Trading Goals

    20/08/2020 Duración: 01h39min

    Listen in as Oliver Velez ever so eloquently delves into this topic and shows you not only how to properly deal with the digital age and it's new world order, he explains how to benefit and get wealthy from it. Don't miss this impromptu talk with one of the most forward thinking minds in our industry.

  • Comissions and How They Create Losing Traders

    20/08/2020 Duración: 01h20min

    The industries little dark secret! Le's discuss.

  • How Social Media Is The Ultimate World Power Today!

    20/08/2020 Duración: 45min

    Today we live in the digital age which has ushered in a new world order that is quickly toppling the old world order, formerly run, operated and controlled by countries. The G20 (the world's top 20 industrialized countries), while still relevant, is quickly losing its grip on world power to the rise of social networks. Social Networks like Facebook and YouTube, are the actual countries of this new age. Their users or members are their citizens and many of them have more users (citizens) that most of the world's countries combined. When you begin to stop looking at these growing behemoths as companies and instead begin to see them in their true light as the new world's countries, you begin to understand the era we are in, the enormity of this movement and the unbridled power these new world rulers wield.

  • 6 Drills That Will Immediately Elevate Your Trading

    20/08/2020 Duración: 01h36min

    In the second segment of this all important broadcast, Oliver Velez delves into six very specific trading drills that if practiced can have an immediate impact on your trading, not tomorrow, not next week or next year, but these drills will begin changing and improving your trading right now! Listen and learn first-hand from one of the brightest, most sought after minds in the trading industry today. We are certain you'll be moved if not entirely blown away.

  • Family Support And It's Importance In Your Progress

    20/08/2020 Duración: 01h05min

    Reaching the pinnacle of success as a trader has to be one of the most challenging endeavors known to mankind. However, if the developmental years of a trader are devoid of the proper support and encouragement from family, failure is just as good as certain. There is a point at which the trader invests time in becoming more astute, more intelligent and more knowledgeable, yet he/she has absolutely nothing to show for it. In fact, in most cases, this knew found intelligence results in even worse performance, which baffles so many. It is often at this point that the trader loses his support system, loses the support from his family and friends when he needs them the most. But this is actually an important moment in the developmental trader’s life, one which is a clear sign that a turn in the trader’s fate is very near and you can’t allow the disconnect with the family to ruin it. Let Oliver eloquently explain why this is what you want to happen and how to handle it when it does with proper family support.

  • Drills That Will Instantly Elevate Your Trading - Part 1

    20/08/2020 Duración: 47min

    In the first segment of this all important broadcast, Oliver Velez delves into the indispensable nature of drills and the role they play in a trader's development. He every so eloquently takes the listener on a journey into the world of thought and its many inefficiencies and reveals how well crafted drills are designed to eliminate the need for the trader to think. According to Oliver Velez, thinking has very little place in the trading process and it is through the practice of drills that one begins to go beyond thought to enter into pure, direct action, which should always stem from the state of knowing. "Action that stems from thought is weaker and more ineffective than action that stems from knowing," says Oliver. He further adds, "Traders should only risk money on what they know, not on what they think because in the heat of the market moment, the trader often does not have the time to sit and ponder what the right choices might be." He continues, "This is why the military, the airline industry for pil

  • Debunking The Greatest Myths On Wallstreet

    20/08/2020 Duración: 01h30min

    To inquire about how you can become one of Oliver's traders, get trained by and entirely funded by him, e-mail

  • 10 Steps to Better Trading

    20/08/2020 Duración: 01h53min

    "Listen to Oliver Velez eloquently lay out 10 things any and every trader can employ immediately to positively and permanently improve their trading results TODAY. Not only does Oliver list the 10 things, but he goes into each on in great detail, ensuring that the listener understand each nuance the exact ""why"" behind the power of each item. This episode can change your trading life. Listen to it now, and watch your trading change for the better and possibly even soar. If you go beyond the listening and actually do these 10 things, you'll watch your trading rise to a higher level of clarity and certainty for sure. Don't for get to like, follow and share!"

  • Drill Your Way To Trading Accuracy And Success

    20/08/2020 Duración: 29min

    Drills are one of the keys to getting better and becoming automaticaly your better self when the time is called for it. Join me as I brief you on what I'll be covering on my next live radio braodcast. DRILLS!

  • 3 Things To Stop Right Now To Immediatly Improve Your Trading

    20/08/2020 Duración: 01h40min

    Stop these three things right now and watch your trading take a dramatic turn for the better. Listen to Oliver Velez eloquently delve into this topic which everyone needs.

  • Knowing When It's To Time Quit On Your Dream of Becoming A Trader

    03/08/2020 Duración: 01h11min

    We have heard all the mantras that say "Never quit!" "Never give up!" But this is not reality. There comes a time when quitting is the intelligent thing to do. So what are the signs that you should give up on your dream of being a trader and move on? Find out by listening to Oliver Velez eloquently delve into one of the most difficult topics on the subject of trading: Quitting!

  • 5 Books That Greatly Influenced My Trading!

    03/08/2020 Duración: 01h17min

    I recently distributed an article on The Velez Opportunity Report ( listing as well as reviewing the top five books that had a huge influence on my trading journey and this is an impromptu broadcast to discuss that article in more detail and to give my listening audience an opportunity to ask questions about the subject. Join in, Listen and Enjoy!

  • Family Support And It_s Importance In Your Progress

    03/08/2020 Duración: 01h05min

    Reaching the pinnacle of success as a trader has to be one of the most challenging endeavors known to mankind. However, if the developmental years of a trader are devoid of the proper support and encouragement from family, failure is just as good as certain. There is a point at which the trader invests time in becoming more astute, more intelligent and more knowledgeable, yet he/she has absolutely nothing to show for it. In fact, in most cases, this knew found intelligence results in even worse performance, which baffles so many. It is often at this point that the trader loses his support system, loses the support from his family and friends when he needs them the most. But this is actually an important moment in the developmental trader’s life, one which is a clear sign that a turn in the trader’s fate is very near and you can’t allow the disconnect with the family to ruin it. Let Oliver eloquently explain why this is what you want to happen and how to handle it when it does with proper family support.

  • Impromtu Q&A Session on Trading Like A Boss!

    03/08/2020 Duración: 46min

    Chat with Oliver Velez live over a cigar and the beverage of your choice about trading in topsy turvy market.

  • How To Trade With The Confidence Of A Pro!

    03/08/2020 Duración: 51min

    In the mysterious world of trading for a living, most don't ever arrive at the point of trading each day with an unshakable confidence. The world of even some of the most experienced traders is saturated with guesswork, doubt, indecision and confusion. Only the highest of the high ever achieve the state of pure, unadulterated confidence in each action, in each decision, and in this broadcast, Oliver Velez is going to show you just how to rise above most to achieve this most coveted gift: the gift of confidence. Dare to become a member of the elite by listening to him right now!

  • The Math of Trading And How To Use It To Your Benefit

    19/10/2016 Duración: 01h21min

    Math is Life! Everything has its own math. Let's learn what the math of trading is. In this broadcast, ,y traders and I talk about the math of trading and how to use it to gain an edge in your market play. Everything has its own math. Good poker players know the math of their game. Pilots know the math of flying and aerodynamics. Race car drivers know the math of racing. Do you know the math of trading? If you don't, there is no hope of ever having a chance at success. Listen to me cover this all important topic. Let's get our math down!

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