Nervous Habits With Ricky Rosen



Join neurotic hyper-caffeinated host Ricky Rosen on a harrowing, spastic journey through the pitfalls of society.If you've ever been at the check-out aisle of the supermarket when you remembered that you left the bathroom light on, this show is absolutely for you.


  • Nervous Habits - Episode 13: You and Everyone You Know Will Die

    22/04/2019 Duración: 01h12min

    Nervous Habits host Ricky Rosen addresses those pressing issues that are (in this case, literally) keeping you awake at night, including: --Why despite the fact that our bodies will decay and die, in our unconscious mind, we feel immortal... --Whether children have an understanding of death, and whether animals ever contemplate their mortality... --The psychological defense mechanism that we unknowingly use every single day in order to live our lives comfortably... --How surrendering to the finality of your existence can help you achieve inner peace, and finally... --What we can learn about how to live our lives today by the regrets people in hospice acknowledge on their deathbeds.   Where to Go to Get More Information: 1. "The Dead", by Palle Yourgrau 2. The Denial of Death, by Ernest Becker 3. The Subtle Art of Not Giving A Fuck, by Mark Manson 4. Stumbling on Happiness, by Daniel Gilbert

  • Nervous Habits - Episode 12: Inside the American Classroom, Sleep When You're Dead, and a 20/20 Look at the Upcoming 2020 Presidential Election

    09/04/2019 Duración: 01h21min

    Nervous Habits host Ricky Rosen is joined by long-time friend and Education Consultant, Adam Rabinowitz.  They have a spirited discussion spanning education, politics, and philosophy, and tackle issues including: --Why even though teachers in America experience the same amount of stress in a given day as an emergency room physician, their pay is still lower than sanitation workers, gas station attendants, and hundreds of other professions... --What kids really should be learning in school instead of the basic core curriculum of English, Social Studies, Math, and Science... --Why America needs more male teachers... --Which of the four major theories about why we sleep is the most strongly supported... --With all the conflicting information out there, how much sleep you really need each and every night... --How electricity and cell phones disturb our bodies' circadian rhythms... --How the Democratic candidates for president should approach the presidential election from a strategy perspective, and finally... --

  • Nervous Habits - Episode 11: Revisiting Modern Dating, Technology and Privacy, and How to Remember and Interpret Your Dreams

    01/04/2019 Duración: 01h15min

    Nervous Habits host Ricky Rosen addresses those pressing issues that are keeping you awake at night, including: --How the presence of a cell phone on a table -- even if it's flipped upside down -- can derail an otherwise amazing first date... --How to steer clear of those 'medical-receptionist-intake-questions' on a first date, and use your conversation as a springboard to a genuine romantic connection... --Why you should always screen someone before the first date, and how long the optimal first date should last... --Whether intimacy between two strangers can be accelerated through the "36 Questions That Lead to Love" experiment... --How Google, Facebook and Amazon exploit your privacy to build a personalized data profile and show you targeted advertisements, and... --How to interpret what your dreams mean, and a foolproof way to remember all of your dreams.   Where to Go to Get More Information: 1. The Presence of A Cell Phone Lowering the Quality of Conversation on A Date

  • Nervous Habits - Episode 10: Mastering Small Talk, the Failure in F.O.M.O., Caffeine as a Cure-All, and A Crash Course in Civic Engagement

    20/03/2019 Duración: 01h06min

    Nervous Habits host Ricky Rosen addresses those pressing issues that are keeping you awake at night, including: --Why the fear of missing out is such a powerful force in modern society and what factors make you most susceptible to "FOMO" and "FOBO"... --How drinking several cups of coffee everyday can literally extend your life... --Why most of America is disconnected from the political process, and why you should care more about what's happening in Washington D.C.... --How you can start holding your elected representatives accountable after Election Day... --Why people today don't know how to make conversation, and finally... --Why the 'art of small talk' is the most important skill you can possibly learn.   Corrections from the Podcast: 1. On the podcast, I stated that the actor who portrayed the Blitz on How I Met Your Mother played Jack on Lost; he actually played the character, Hugo "Hurley" Reyes, on Lost. Where to Go to Get More Information: 1. The Science of FOMO - Are You Missing Out? https://www.p

  • Nervous Habits - Episode 9: The Paradox of Free Will, The Passage of Time, and How to Live the Best Life

    14/03/2019 Duración: 01h01min

    Nervous Habits host Ricky Rosen and long-time friend & professional soccer player / electrical engineer Jeremy Pachter have a fast-paced and comprehensive discussion spanning psychology, neuroscience, philosophy, religion, biology, genetics, physics, and relativity. Ricky and Jeremy address a number of burning topics including: --Whether there is such a thing as free will, and if we are genuinely in control of our actions... --How you would define the concept of "time" to an alien... --Whether there is any objective view on time or is it truly subjective... --Why the present time does not really exist, and ways to combat the passage of time... --Why we fear death, yet we do not fear our pre-natal non-existence, and finally... --Whether the 9 to 5 work day is really the best life.   Where to Go to Get More Information: 1. "Minority Report." 2. "There's No Such Thing as Free Will." The Atlantic

  • Nervous Habits - Episode 8: Alcohol and Altered States of Mind, Beauty as Currency, and the Politics of Corn

    06/03/2019 Duración: 01h56s

    Nervous Habits host Ricky Rosen addresses those pressing issues that are keeping you awake at night, including: --Why we put alcohol into our systems in spite of the overwhelmingly negative impacts that it has on our minds and bodies... --How the "mirror neurons" in our brains figure into our societal addiction to drinking booze... --How beauty acts as a form of currency in America... --Why looking at your reflection less could lead to a more wholesome life... --Where corn is hiding in everything that you eat, and finally... --Why the government subsidizing corn is the reason why fast food is so cheap and health food is so expensive.   Where to Go to Get More Information: 1. The Impact of Alcohol on the Mind and Body 2. Resources for Alcoholics and Problem-Drinkers 3. All About Mirror Neurons 4. Alcohol - Weighing the Risks and Potential Benefits

  • Nervous Habits - Episode 7: An Anxious-Obsessive Look at Mental Illness in America

    26/02/2019 Duración: 53min

    Nervous Habits host Ricky Rosen and sister & Clinical Psychology doctoral candidate Holly Rosen do a deep (and intensely personal) dive into mental health disorders and their prevalence in America today.  Ricky and Holly address a number of topics in the fields of psychology and neuroscience including: --Why more than half of all mental illness in America today goes undiagnosed and untreated... --The root cause behind the over-diagnosis of ADHD in children... --Why modern-day psychology tends to confuse personality traits and psychopathological disorders... --Whether medication or therapy is the more effective method to manage mental illness, and finally... --How living with anxiety disorders might actually enhance your life.   Where to Go to Get More Information: 1. Mental Health by the Numbers (National Alliance on Mental Illness) 2. DSM (Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders, 5th Edition)

  • Nervous Habits - Episode 6: Reforming Bad Habits, Conversations with Strangers, and Forgotten Fiber

    19/02/2019 Duración: 49min

    Nervous Habits host Ricky Rosen addresses those pressing issues that are keeping you awake at night, including: --Why habits are a necessary component of our lives, and a simple way for you to mend those nagging habits... --How you can stop snacking in the middle of the day when you're not even hungry... --Why eye contact is the key to making connections with others... --How exactly you would go about starting a conversation with someone in public, and finally... --Why the lack of fiber in our diets is the most serious nutritional deficiency in America that nobody is talking about, and how to get more fiber in your daily regimen.   Where to Go to Get More Information: 1. For More on the Three-Step Habit Loop and How to Change Bad Habits The Power of Habit by Charles Duhigg   2. For More on the Comfort Challenges (Eye Contact; Smiling at Others) The 4-Hour Workweek by Tim Ferris   3. For More on Dietary Fiber   4. For more on the USDA's Dietary Guideline for

  • Nervous Habits - Episode 5: Consciousness, Artificial Intelligence, and Lucid Dreaming

    12/02/2019 Duración: 52min

    Nervous Habits host Ricky Rosen and childhood friend & data scientist Angelo (AJ) Piazza have an intense, stimulating conversation spanning psychology, philosophy of mind, neuroscience, metaphysics, science & technology, and the very nature of existence. Ricky and AJ address a number of burning topics including: --How exactly do you define consciousness... --Is consciousness something that we are born with or do we develop it over time... --Are there any animals that can be said to be truly conscious... --How serious is the threat that artificial intelligence poses to human existence, and finally... --How exactly can you make yourself 'lucid dream'?   Where to Go to Get More Information: 1. Scientific American Article on Consciousness in Infantry   2. The depiction of consciousness on the HBO series, 'Westworld'   3. The Turing Test and the Foundation of Artificial Intelligence https://www.

  • Nervous Habits - Episode 4: How We Choose Our Lifelong Friends, and the Wonders of Water

    08/02/2019 Duración: 55min

    Nervous Habits host Ricky Rosen addresses those pressing issues that are keeping you awake at night, including: --Among the hundreds of thousands of people we interact with over the course of our lifetimes, how exactly we choose our lifelong friends... --With the Oscars a few weeks away, what the best film of 2018 was... --Why drinking even one additional glass of water a day can significantly improve your quality of life... --Just how disgusting is a Coca Cola really, and finally... --Why the top free agents in baseball are still unsigned with less than a month to go until Spring Training.   Where to Go to Get More Information: 1. 2019 Oscar Nominations   2. Health Benefits of Drinking Enough Water   3. What Happens To Your Body When You Drink Coca Cola   4. Tap Water vs

  • Nervous Habits - Episode 3: Modern Dating = Option Overload

    01/02/2019 Duración: 46min

    Nervous Habits host Ricky Rosen addresses those pressing issues that are keeping you awake at night, including: --Why having millions of options in the modern dating world might actually be a bad thing... --Why you should be a "satisficer" rather than a "maximizer" in your love life... --How lack of investment and the transactional nature of dating apps turns everybody in a flake... --Why it's better to sprint in 2 minute intervals than jog for 30 minutes straight, and... --Why Tom Brady belongs in the conversation with Michael Jordan, Babe Ruth, and Muhammad Ali, as being among the greatest athletes ever. Corrections from the Podcast: 1. In the episode, I attribute the source of the concept of "maximizing" and "satisficing" to Jonah Lehrer, but it was actually coined by Barry Schwartz in his book, The Paradox of Choice. 2. The boxing movie for which Jake Gyllenhall got absolutely shredded was Southpaw (not the Fighter). Where to Go to Get More Information: 1. To learn more about consumerism and the economics

  • Nervous Habits - Episode 2: Bored Mind, Buddhist Spirit - The Perils of Our Addiction to Cell Phones

    29/01/2019 Duración: 45min

    Nervous Habits host Ricky Rosen addresses those pressing issues that are keeping you awake at night, including: --Why the key to living a happier life is to become Buddhist in our philosophies... --How cell phones distract us from our most salient fear - and it's not the fear of death... --Why kids today are just really awkward, and... --Why Roger Clemens and Barry bonds, arguably the biggest cheaters in the history of sports, deserve a spot in the Baseball Hall of Fame.

  • Nervous Habits - Episode 1: The Pilot - The Potency of Protein, Shedding Light on the Government Shutdown, and the Backwardness of Binging TV

    27/01/2019 Duración: 46min

    Nervous Habits host Ricky Rosen introduces the pod and addresses those pressing issues that are keeping you awake at night, including: --Why you're not getting enough protein in your diet - and how to get more... --What the government shut-down means for the ordinary American - and how much that fast food spread in the White House REALLY cost, and.... --Why I don't binge TV series - and how the best comedy on TV right now doesn't even have a script.

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