Saints Unscripted



Saints Unscripted is a show with faithful, hilarious Mormons with different opinions on being Mormon.


  • Reacting to Johnny Harris The REAL Story of the Mormon Church

    13/02/2024 Duración: 57min

    Johnny Harris, YouTuber and independent journalist, recently made a video titled "The REAL Story of the Mormon Church." But what do active Mormons (correctly known as Latter-day Saints) think about his video? Does the video portray the real story of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints or are there incorrect portrayals of the history of the Mormon Church? Was Joseph Smith a fraud? Are the origins of the Book of Mormon a complete hoax? In this episode, David Snell watches the video by ex-Mormon Johnny Harris and responses as a faithful Latter-day Saint.

  • The craziest Mormon mission stories!!

    06/02/2024 Duración: 09min

    Everyone who has served a mission has a crazy story about their mission. Well, we recently came across an article that claimed to have some of the craziest mission stories ever! We wanted to put the stories to the test to see if they really were as crazy as they claimed to be. We’d love to know what you think about these mission stories :) Members of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints are accustomed to seeing 19 and 20 year old men and women leave to different parts of the world to preach the gospel of Jesus Christ. During one’s mission, many beautiful and challenging experiences occur— some having to do with theology, some being totally secular. In this episode, we share hilarious stories on the more secular side of the spectrum. Check out Third Hour for more stories like these!

  • My non-member mom knew I needed the LDS Church! | with Levi

    30/01/2024 Duración: 33min

    Levi shares his story of growing up with lots of exposure to religion. He realized in high school that based on his life trajectory, he wouldn’t make it past 21 years of age. He decided it was time to look into religion because he became concerned about the afterlife. One night, Levi asked God to send religion to him. The next morning he heard a knock on the door. He began talking with the Jehovah Witnesses for 6 months but became frustrated. Due to some unfortunate experiences, Levi decided to quit his search of religion. His mom, however, had different plans. Watch the video to hear how Levi’s life dramatically changed!

  • First accurate photo of Joseph Smith, the LDS prophet?! | with Curtis Weber

    23/01/2024 Duración: 16min

    Have you seen the latest photo of Joseph Smith?! If so, you probably have a lot of questions (as did we!). We brought Curtis Weber to the show to talk about his extensive research on the subject and his research is fascinating! Thanks so much for joining us, Curtis!

  • I removed my records from the LDS Church…. And came back! | with Tyler

    16/01/2024 Duración: 13min

    Today we are joined by Tyler Gordon, one of the kindest people we have had on the show. We chatted with Tyler before this episode about his experiences and the spirit he brought with him was powerful and humble. We are so grateful for his vulnerability in sharing his story! Tyler grew up in the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints. He served a mission faithfully and “checked the boxes.” Upon his return home, he was quickly exposed to anti-Mormon content and quickly lost his faith as he dove deeper and deeper into the claims made against his faith. He decided to remove his records and distance himself from the church. Tyler then saw the missionaries outside and asked them for their help in carrying his groceries. He never would have expected what would come next!

  • The TRUTH about the Mormon pioneers

    09/01/2024 Duración: 07min

    Have you ever heard of Pioneer Day, an official holiday in Utah? Many Utahans celebrate the day that Mormon pioneers arrived in Utah before Utah was settled. Many pioneers died on the trek across the plains, though many miracles took place on their journey to Utah. In this episode, we take a quiz to test our knowledge about the Mormon pioneers!

  • I was excommunicated then re-baptized in the LDS Church | with Elizabeth

    02/01/2024 Duración: 20min

    Elizabeth joins us today to share her remarkable story of faith, conversion, excommunication, and regaining her faith. If you watch any Saints Unscripted episode, this is the one to watch!! Elizabeth powerfully shares how she grew up in unfavorable circumstances but remained strong in the faith. Unfortunately, poor relationships and temptations grew and grew until she found herself about to lose her membership in the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints (otherwise known as the Mormon Church). Elizabeth didn’t think she’s be excommunicated (now called “withdrawal of membership) until she was. Her bishop said some profound words that impacted her forever. Listen as she shares her journey coming back to the faith!!

  • My LDS baptism interview was a lie | with Kahlen

    29/12/2023 Duración: 20min

    We recently had the privilege of hearing Kahlen's story of faith and forgiveness. Today we share his story with you and know you'll find strength from his words! Kahlen grew up in Utah as a non-member of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints (otherwise known as the Mormon Church). He joined the church with help from his friend but quickly left after joining. He joined the Marines and experienced many mental health challenges. He talks about a particular event in which he wasn't sure if he should keep suffering. Through the grace of God he found his way back to the church --- and it doesn't stop there!

  • Tell us how you really feel about Saints Unscripted | Responding to Comments, Pt 13

    26/12/2023 Duración: 19min

    We love seeing your comments on our YouTube videos, Instagram stories, Facebook posts, and TikTok account! Some of you are kind, some of you are savage, and some of you might just be here to troll -- but we love you for being here and hope we bring some happiness to your day! In this episode, we read some of your comments and respond completely unscripted!

  • The truth about the Book of Abraham | with Kerry Muhlestein

    22/12/2023 Duración: 11min

    We are elated to hear from Kerry Muhlestein on our channel today! Kerry is an incredible scholar with a great sense of humor. We had a blast hearing from him about the controversial Book of Abraham. Here are some things Kerry addresses in this video: What are some of the most common/ most problematic assumptions that Latter-day Saints and/or non-Latter-day Saints are making (or have made, historically) about the history of the Book of Abraham? What tips can you give us and our viewers to help us learn to recognize (and be confident in) revelation when it comes? Many of your online critics claim that because you believe that Joseph Smith was a prophet -- because that is your starting point -- you have closed yourself off to the possibility of the Book of Abraham being false or fraudulent. The general claim is that this is an academically unsound approach, and that your scholarship is suspect because you're unwilling to consider those conclusions that might challenge your worldview.

  • Can I feel the Holy Ghost?

    19/12/2023 Duración: 10min

    Have you ever felt the Holy Ghost or the Holy Spirit? Have you ever wondered what feeling the spirit might feel like? Can I feel the Holy Ghost if I'm not a member of the Church of Jesus Christ (otherwise known as the Mormon Church)? In this episode, we talk about what it's like to feel the Holy Ghost, how the gift of the Holy Ghost differs from the Holy Ghost, and we read responses from our Instagram audience about their thoughts on the Holy Ghost. Let us know what you learned in the comments below!!

  • Is the Book of Abraham authentic?? | with Stephen Smoot

    15/12/2023 Duración: 18min

    We are elated to have our good friend Stephen Smoot back on Saints Unscripted! Stephen Smoot is one of our favorite scholars (and will soon be yours as well :)). In this episode, we ask Stephen about the authenticity of the Book of Abraham, where to start when trying to understand the facsimiles in the Book of Abraham, and what Stephen has learned from his in-depth study of the Book of Abraham. Stephen discusses the myths and misconceptions about the Book of Abraham. If you have had questions about the Book of Abraham, this video is for you!!

  • Attending 100+ churches, this is what I think of Mormonism | with David Boice

    12/12/2023 Duración: 25min

    We are stoked to have a conversation with David Boice on the show today! David is the host of 52 Churches in 52 Weeks and today he tells us his story of faith and adventure. David talks about having a falling out with his church and decided to distance himself from churches to focus primarily on spirituality. However, he had a prompting to attend 52 churches in 52 weeks. David says that through his experience of attending different churches, he was humbled to learn how many differences there were in worshiping Jesus Christ. He has now visited over 100 churches! He explains his first experience visiting a LDS Church (otherwise known as a Mormon Church) and how surprised he was in leaning about the people and the teachings. His biggest surprise about the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints was the emphasis on Jesus Christ.

  • I met a cowboy on an airplane and my life changed | Michelle's Story

    08/12/2023 Duración: 26min

    Michelle's story is one of our favorite stories. Michelle had a great interest in spirituality and religion. She moved to Idaho to learn more about religion and quickly ran into lots of information about Mormons (known as members of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints). Fast forward a little while and Michelle found herself on an airplane sitting next to a cowboy named Merlin. The two instantly had a connection. After their flight, they stayed in communication and Michelle quickly learned that Merlin was a member of the LDS Church. She began doing more research after realizing the many things that resonated with her beliefs. But her friends were worried about her joining the 'Mormon cult'. You HAVE to watch the rest of the episode to hear what happened! Thanks for joining us, Michelle!

  • What is a LDS priesthood blessing? | with Spencer

    05/12/2023 Duración: 12min

    Have you ever had questions about LDS priesthood blessings? How does someone with priesthood authority give a blessing? How does a priesthood holder know what to say when giving a blessing? Spencer joins us today to share some powerful findings about priesthood blessings. Spencer conducted over 100 interviews with men who have given priesthood blessings with the purpose of learning more about how the words come to them, how they feel during the blessing, and how the receiver receives the blessing. Listening to Spencer share his knowledge was fascinating. There is so much to be learned from blessings and we're so grateful to have heard from Spencer. Thank you so much for joining us, Spencer!

  • Try not to laugh challenge | Dad Jokes edition

    01/12/2023 Duración: 10min

    *originally posted on YouTube near Father's Day* We LOVE the good dads in our lives! We are grateful for Father’s Day each year which gives us extra reason to celebrate the father figures in our lives. In this episode, we celebrate dads by sharing our favorite “dad jokes.” Each host shares a joke to the other host in hopes of generating a good ol’ Father’s Day belly laugh. Are the dad jokes good enough to crack the hosts? Let’s see how many laughs we can get! Did you laugh at any of the dad jokes shared in this video? What is your favorite dad joke? Let us know in the comments below!! And happy Father’s Day to the good dads who do so much good for their families!

  • Evolution Is NOT Evil

    28/11/2023 Duración: 16min

    We are incredibly grateful for the knowledge and insight of Heath Odgen on our show today as he discusses the importace of embracing science as faithful members of the LDS Church (otherwise kwown as the Mormon Church). Heath discusses his interest in evolution and how he reconciles evolution and the theory of Adam and Eve. The theory of evolution doesn't have to contradict believe in the story of Adam and Eve but that both can be supported by each other. Do Mormons believe in evolution? Should Mormons believe in evolution? Both of these questions are explored by Heath in today's episode!!

  • Was Joseph Smith actually a polygamist?? | with Brian Hales

    24/11/2023 Duración: 46min

    For many decades, there has been speculation that Joseph Smith (first prophet of the LDS Church) did not practice polygamy. The speculation has ebbed and flowed over the years, though the conspiracy has picked up steam more recently. LDS scholar and friend of Saints Unscripted, Brian Hales, agreed to address the controversy on today’s episode. Brian addresses accounts of polygamy, how different types of scholars navigate history, and how to address specific claims made against Joseph Smith’s polygamy. While the subject of polygamy is uncomfortable and might be happily dismissed altogether, the truth is that Joseph Smith practiced polygamy. We aren’t defending the practice but rather acknowledging true historical events.

  • Crime family, prison, and joining the LDS Church | with Derek Galanis

    21/11/2023 Duración: 23min

    Derek and Denise Galanis join us on Saints Unscripted to talk about Derek's conversion to the gospel of Jesus Christ. Derek grew up in a family of crime. Prison and crime were natural parts of his formative years. Derek was convicted in 2001 and then again in 2016 for fraud. Derek talks about reconnecting with Denise, someone he had known earlier in his life, while he was in prison. He and Denise stayed in contact while Derek served his time in some harsh prison conditions. Derek read the Bible and was eventually introduced to the Book of Mormon by Denise. He read the Book of Mormon 4 times while in prison and knew he had to join the church. But joining wouldn't be easy, as he is still on probation for his crime. Watch the video to get the full story!!

  • I promised God I would accept the truth if He led me | with Emma

    17/11/2023 Duración: 28min

    Emma Wood is a remarkable new convert to the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints! We had the great opportunity of hearing her conversion story. Growing up in Arizona, she knew about members of the LDS Church (otherwise known as the Mormon Church) but didn't have much interest in joining. She decided to go to school in Utah where she began learning more about the Church. She went through some challenging faith crises and had many, many questions about this emerging faith. After years of diligent study, Emma took a huge leap of faith and chose to be baptized. You don't want to miss this episode!!

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