Taylor Tells All

  • Autor: Vários
  • Narrador: Vários
  • Editor: Podcast
  • Duración: 4:02:31
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The advice you didn't ask for, that you really need to hear


  • Coloring Outside the Lines - Embracing Authenticity During the Pandemic

    07/09/2020 Duración: 11min

    If there were ever a time to live authentically and take a risk, it's actually right now...even though it doesn't feel like it. Guess what? There's no bar, no right way, no clear path to navigate this storm. Here's to trading in our coloring book for a blank notebook, and drawing our own lines instead of coloring inside of someone else's. 

  • When Life Isn't Pretty

    26/07/2020 Duración: 10min

    It's been a minute... but I'm back!In a society obsessed with beautifully photoshopped photos, stepping out of the house with a face armored with makeup, and a perfectly polished resume to depict you in the most positive light - we literally find ourselves unequipped to handle life’s ugliness. We are so fortunate to control the narrative in so many aspects of our lives; the way we look, the way we’re perceived, but sometimes things happen that are out of our control and even the most beautiful makeup tutorial can’t cover the pain. Can we normalize struggling in these moments - these humanizing moments where we are forced to acknowledge that life isn’t 100% in our control?

  • This is Out of Control

    15/10/2019 Duración: 08min

    Taylor Tells All is back for it's second installment - welcome to Season Two!This season we will dive in deep to the tough topics that matter, and bring in some extra special guests along the way, too!Today's episode covers the tightrope we walk between our ambition and acceptance. Keeping our fire lit while also keeping it real can be an everyday struggle. I talk about my experiences and what I think is most important in maintaining the balance to stay driven, humble, healthy - and of course, sane!

  • What Do We Do Now?

    10/09/2019 Duración: 18min

    Inspired by Reese Withersoons Woman of the Year award for Glamour Magazine which can be found here. Also... #whatwouldoprahdo? and a deep dive into my exercise playlist. "What is it in life that you think you can't accomplish? Or what is it that people have said that you cannot do? Wouldn't it feel really good to prove them all wrong? Because I believe ambition is not a dirty word. It's just believing in yourself and your abilities. Imagine this: What would happen if we were all brave enough to be a little bit more ambitious? I think the world would change."-Reese Witherspoon

  • That Doesn't Make Sense

    23/07/2019 Duración: 07min

    If you think something that is being said or done goes against your belief system, say it. Don’t feel bad about being who you are, because it is up to us to inspire those who come after us to change the narrative.

  • Trust Your Gut

    09/07/2019 Duración: 10min

    Why do we, especially as women, think that we’re going to get some badge of honor for quote-on-quote "working hard for the sole purpose of seeing it through?" If it doesn’t make sense or it’s wrong, then it’s our job to call to action to make the change, or align ourselves with someone who is likeminded to us if that’s not a possibility. That’s how you grow professionally. You learn from people who do things the right way, whatever that means for you. 

  • Be the CEO Your Parents Always Wanted You to Marry

    21/06/2019 Duración: 37min

    Advice I (luckily) never had to hear. Join me as I kick-off my first interview-based episode with none other than the man responsible for who I am today. I talk work, family, success, and life, with my Dad...who just happens to have created a very successful career as a healthcare leader. His perspective will hit home in ways that are unexpected, and surprisingly relevant (even for the stubborn millennial know-it-alls, like me). I laugh the whole way through, but it's worth it. 

  • Coming Soon! Taylor Tells All Interview Series

    18/06/2019 Duración: 01min

    Hi everyone! There will be a delay this week as I kick off my new interview series! First up, my Dad! We will be chatting while he's in town this week, so stay tuned for the episode later in the week.

  • Wake Up and Pay Attention

    04/06/2019 Duración: 07min

    Don’t speed through your life and forget to reflect on how far you’ve come. Slow down, and look for the pillars to appreciate your progress. If you’re mindlessly burning the candle at both ends you’re only cheating yourself. Every single day you’re conquering a new challenge and passing another milestone.

  • The Worst Advice You'll Ever Receive

    21/05/2019 Duración: 10min

    Love really is blind. Your relationship should not be a constant struggle. Your relationship should not make you question your self worth. Your relationship should not make you question your morals or feel less than. If you find yourself in a swirl of makeup and breakup, it may be passion, but it’s probably also a lack of compatibility. If it’s hard for you to admit to your family or friends that you’ve let this person back into your life, that’s probably a pretty solid sign that they don’t deserve to be there. Shame is not a feeling that is healthy, normal, or in line with what you should tolerate. Have the strength to be true to yourself and hold others accountable to the standards in which you should be treated. 

  • It Pays to be Kind

    07/05/2019 Duración: 16min

    Hospitality is the foundation of everything. The way you make people feel will always trump what you are actually able to provide; because chances are, people can find that “what” a bunch of different places. That feeling is what is going to set you apart.How is what you’re doing, the way you present yourself, and the way you interact with others affecting your personal brand? Is it something that you think about daily? Are you intentional about it?

  • The Power of Resiliency

    23/04/2019 Duración: 07min

    Let your tough times be a lesson for next time; for when the times are tougher you will be even more prepared. That’s why you are meant to go through what you’re going though now.Nothing is irreparable if you care enough about it. Nothing can broken or ruined forever - not your body, your mind, your relationship, your will to live. Just because your reality may change shape, doesn’t mean you call it quits. It can be scary, but it’s important to be okay with that.

  • If You Never Ask

    09/04/2019 Duración: 19min

    Whether it’s staying in a job, relationship, friendship, or routine...just because it brought you something meaningful in the past, doesn’t mean you should keep doing it indefinitely. Every once and awhile you’ve gotta check yourself and make sure it's not only still working for you, but also keeping you on track with where you want to be long-term. Believe in what you bring to the table. Truly, there is only one you. For every quality you think you are lacking, there are ten more qualities that are uniquely you. Quantify those attributes, and use them as leverage. I wish I had believed in my worth and done this sooner, rather than...you know...staying comfortable.

  • My Person

    26/03/2019 Duración: 07min

    Gee says what she means, knows how to be a friend, gives the tough advice, and wants the best for people - unselfishly. She will always lend a listening ear with a smile, and NEVER has dinner without wine and dessert. I can only hope to provide half the value in someone’s life someday that she continues to provide in mine. 

  • The Bravery to Be Yourself

    12/03/2019 Duración: 08min

    You should never have to apologize for you you are. You are not supposed to be like anyone else. There’s a reason you are you. Explore that and embrace it. Be confident in who you are deep down in your core and you will attract people who support it, because it’s authentic. Don’t strive to be like others, strive to be so freaking yourself that you give the people around you permission to be themselves too.

  • You Know More Than You Think You Do

    26/02/2019 Duración: 10min

    In the moments of craziness, I think it’s easy to second-guess yourself. It’s a place where your insecurities thrive, because tomorrow feels so unclear. While we all have a long way to go, it’s important to reflect on how far we’ve come. 

  • Who Says Marriage is Hard?

    29/01/2019 Duración: 16min

    Marriage is an evolution. It is rewarding. It is a growth experience. At some point in life, marriage will be hard. I get it now. The true strength in a marriage is remembering the certainty in your vows when times get tough. Understand that life isn’t happening to you.  Sometimes life poses challenges that you are meant to conquer together, to teach you a lesson and make you stronger. 

  • Perfection Obsession

    29/01/2019 Duración: 07min

    Stop trying to convince the world of your “perfect” life, and in turn forcing yourself to live up to that expectation. Accept the times when your life is tough. Learn how to admit it and ask for help. No one’s life is so perfect that they won’t understand. In the future when things get messy for someone else, they’ll know that you're the kind of real person that they can lean on too. 

  • The Gardener and the Rose Bush

    29/01/2019 Duración: 06min

    In many of the relationship dynamics in life, there is a gardener, and there is a rose bush. There is the person who tends to the needs to the other person- who waters the bush, protects it, cares for it, so it can grow and blossom into a beautiful flower. There is the rose bush - who needs care to grow, and protection and comfort from the gardener.Now neither of these roles are absolute. One day you may be the garner, and the next you’re the rose bush - and that’s good, that’s healthy. That’s a type of friendship, marriage, family relationship in which you support each other symbiotically. 

  • Oh the Possibilities!

    28/12/2018 Duración: 10min

    Do you ever catch yourself in your normal every day routine, and have a sudden epiphany of the defining moments that led you to where you are today?I had one of those recently, and I wanted to share it with you.

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