I'm Over All That: And Other Confessions
- Autor: Shirley MacLaine
- Narrador: Shirley MacLaine
- Editor: Simon & Schuster
- Duración: 5:25:55
The New York Times bestseller—now in paperback. Award-winning actress Shirley MacLaine pens the most funny, accessible, and timely book of her career, detailing all the things she’s over…and a few she’s not.
At a certain time in life, we all come to realize what is truly important to us and what just doesn’t matter. For Shirley MacLaine, that time is now. In this wise, witty, and fearless collection of small observations and big-picture questions, she shares with readers all those things that she is over dealing with in life, in love, at home, and in the larger world…as well as the things she will never get over, no matter how long she lives.
Among the things that Shirley is over: people who repeat themselves; conservatives and liberals; ill-mannered young people; the poison of celebrity; being polite to boring people; and getting older in Hollywood.
As frank and personal as Nora Ephron’s I Feel Bad About My Neck—which, incidentally, Shirley doesn’t since she knows the secrets of good lighting—I’m Over All That is MacLaine at her acerbic and irreverent best.
ImOverAllThat 21 Antibiotics
Duración: 04min -
ImOverAllThat 22 DeepBreathing
Duración: 01min -
ImOverAllThat 23 PoliteToBoringPeople
Duración: 01min -
ImOverAllThat 24 TrustingTheFDA
Duración: 01min -
ImOverAllThat 25 AgingInHollywood
Duración: 10min -
ImOverAllThat 26 CorporateControl
Duración: 07min -
ImOverAllThat 27 DrivingAtNight
Duración: 46s -
ImOverAllThat 28 JustOnePerson
Duración: 09min -
ImOverAllThat 29 GallowsOfFame
Duración: 09min -
ImOverAllThat 30 GoodJournalists
Duración: 03min -
ImOverAllThat 31 Exersize
Duración: 02min -
ImOverAllThat 32 Trust
Duración: 01min -
ImOverAllThat 33 Anger
Duración: 02min -
ImOverAllThat 34 LivePerforming
Duración: 03min -
ImOverAllThat 35 WorldIsFallingApart
Duración: 04min -
ImOverAllThat 36 HairColor
Duración: 01min -
ImOverAllThat 37 Sex
Duración: 11min -
ImOverAllThat 38 PeopleWithClosedMinds
Duración: 02min -
ImOverAllThat 39 ConservativesAndLiberals
Duración: 08min -
ImOverAllThat 40 GettingOverFamily
Duración: 08min