Conversations With John & Lisa Bevere



Through this podcast, John and Lisa Bevere hope to challenge and position you for a successful life in Christ. For more information, or to contact us, visit


  • Navigating Truth in this Cultural Moment

    25/07/2023 Duración: 21min

    How does the power of love, grace, and truth influence our life choices?Amidst conflicting narratives in churches and the impact of cultural trends on our perception of truth, it becomes vital to anchor ourselves in the Word of God.Join us in this pivotal episode of Conversations with John and Lisa Bevere as we draw wisdom from 2 Peter and Jude.Discover truth within modern tensions and gain valuable insights to walk confidently with Jesus through it all.

  • Signs You're Spiritually Starving

    11/07/2023 Duración: 23min

    Do you long for a deeper connection with God? Are you spiritually stagnant? If you answered "yes," get ready to experience a transformation in your spiritual appetite.In today's episode of Conversations with John and Lisa Bevere, we give insights and guidance to help you transition from stagnancy to fervency. Tune in for practical tools to cultivate your hunger after God.We pray this episode ignites a passion within you to seek Him wholeheartedly and explore the depths of His love and purpose for your life.

  • Break Up with Toxic Cycles for Good (Part 2)

    27/06/2023 Duración: 19min

    Do you feel stuck? Are you frozen with indecisiveness?In today's episode of Conversations with John and Lisa Bevere, we shed light on the enemy's strategies to overwhelm and trap you.Learn to break up with the toxic cycles holding you back while discovering the transformative power of a renewed mind.As you tune in, we pray that this episode becomes the catalyst for true freedom—unlocking a brighter future for you and your family.

  • Break Up with Toxic Cycles for Good (Part 1)

    13/06/2023 Duración: 15min

    Are you tired of reliving the same issues, failures, and toxic situations over and over again? Then it's time to break up with the repetitive patterns holding you back.Today, on Conversations with John and Lisa Bevere, we want to disrupt the destructive cycles in your life—whether relational, emotional, physical, mental, spiritual, or habitual.Join us for part 1 of a 2-part series to equip yourself with three different tools for true freedom. Listen now to let the transformation begin.Get John's free course, "Porn Free", from MessengerX:

  • Are You Really Saved?

    23/05/2023 Duración: 22min

    Every Sunday, millions of churches around the globe offer an opportunity for salvation. But are we engaging the true power of repentance? Is this why many leave the church's four walls unchanged?In today's episode, we challenge the notion of knowing Jesus as merely "Savior" while exploring the significance of counting the cost before uttering the "sinner's prayer."Tune in to be inspired and equipped as we navigate the crucial question: "How do you know you're saved?"Get John's book, "The Awe of God" anywhere books are sold you can listen to the audiobook here:

  • Knowing Your Enemy (Part 2)

    09/05/2023 Duración: 22min

    The Word of God is everything you need to engage in spiritual warfare.As Christians, we know that our struggle is not against flesh and blood but against spiritual forces of evil.In this episode of "Conversations with John and Lisa Bevere," we discuss how you can't attack these forces with physical weapons but rather spiritual weapons.Join us as we delve into how Scripture teaches us to take up arms, resist, fight, and defeat our enemy.

  • Knowing Your Enemy (Part 1)

    25/04/2023 Duración: 26min

    Do you know your enemy?Western culture has reduced the devil to a little red, mythical creature holding a pitchfork. But, as believers, it's crucial to understand that the devil and his companions are real—existing only to defile, divide, and conquer the image bearers of God.Through this two-part series, we will explore the Scriptures and examine the enemy's tactics and devices so that you know how to fight when he attacks.Join us on today's episode of Conversations with John and Lisa Bevere as we share practical insights on how to identify and shut down every one of the enemy's schemes. Tune in to this empowering, eye-opening discussion.

  • Connecting with God in a Disconnected World

    12/04/2023 Duración: 31min

    Have you ever wondered if God hears your prayers?In a world increasingly built for disconnection, we must create space for intentional words with God.Here’s the good news: God longs to have conversations with us more than we long to have them with Him.In today’s episode, we’re joined by a special guest, Addison Bevere, as we discuss what it means to wrestle with God.If you want to learn to hear His voice more clearly, tune in to today’s episode of Conversations with Lisa and Addison Bevere.Get Addison’s new book, “Words with God,” here: 

  • Choosing Your Role In Revival

    28/03/2023 Duración: 27min

    Are you ready for revival to sweep the land?Revival is here—and as God’s Spirit continues to move, it may cause division among believers.But Jesus says, “...No one pours new wine into old wineskins. Otherwise, the wine will burst the skins, and both the wine and the wineskins will be ruined. No, they pour new wine into new wineskins.” (Mark 2:22)In this episode of Conversations, John and Lisa Bevere dive into how we can catch His heart for all He wants to do in our nation.Tune in now for an enlightening conversation that will inspire you to throw off spectatorship and move with God, even when it looks different.

  • Does the Bible Permit a Woman to Preach?

    14/03/2023 Duración: 25min

    Women are under attack. Amidst an ongoing cultural assault, we must turn to Scripture and discover God’s true calling for women. In this episode of Conversations, John and Lisa Bevere dive into the vital truth about women’s roles in the church. Drawing from Scripture and personal experiences, they highlight the significance of a woman’s voice in proclaiming the Gospel. Take a seat, grab a notebook, and tune in to explore what it truly means to be a woman of God in today’s world. Download our free app, “MessengerX”:

  • Unlocking the Promises of God for Your Life

    28/02/2023 Duración: 23min

    Want to unlock life as God TRULY intends it?Lasting legacy, wisdom, protection, peace, safety, and joy—these are just a few of over 40 promises given in Scripture for those who fear the Lord.In this episode of Conversations, we discuss how embracing a healthy fear of God “flips the narrative” of our lives.Diving into Scripture, and sharing practical examples from our own lives, we'll unpack how developing holy fear raises you to a higher level of living—one that’ll leave a generational impact.Don’t miss out on this conversation jam-packed with life-changing wisdom!

  • Why You Need to Cultivate Holy Fear

    14/02/2023 Duración: 27min

    With only one week left til the launch of John's new book, The Awe of God, we wanted to dedicate this episode to sharing some of the heart behind this message.So many think the fear of the Lord is just an Old Testament message that has little application to our lives today—but is this true? Yes. Scripture says that perfect love casts out fear—but are we taking that out of context when we use it to downplay holy fear?In this episode, John shares how Jesus delighted in the fear of the Lord, and how, if we want to walk intimately with Him and fulfill what He’s called us to do, we must do the same.How do you truly develop a healthy, holy fear of God in your life? Strap yourself in, tune into this powerful conversation with John and Lisa, and discover how you can cultivate this in your own life in today’s episode of Conversations!

  • You Can’t Be God’s Friend without This

    24/01/2023 Duración: 23min

    According to a recent Barna study, church dropouts have risen to 64%. Only one in four Americans are a practicing Christian—a number that has dropped in half since 2000. Why? What is missing from our churches?In this week’s episode of Conversations, John and Lisa Bevere dive deep into the often missing ingredient for true intimacy with God: the fear of the Lord.Fearing God is very different than being afraid of God. Instead, it’s the key to everything.Join us as we discuss how this healthy, holy, and largely forgotten virtue is the uncommon path to a more fulfilled and fruitful life.P.S. You can get John’s new book, “The Awe of God”, anywhere books are sold.

  • How to Master the Year

    10/01/2023 Duración: 21min

    As we kick off 2023, we want to share how we set our focus for the year ahead.We all want to start our year off right, but how many of us know that a little distraction or deviation can quickly derail everything? That’s why we want to prepare you with focus.The power of focus will eliminate confusion and help you meet your goals. As the saying goes, “You become what you behold."Join us as we launch the first episode of the New Year with a conversation about focus, and through sharing some of our personal stories, we hope you’ll leave equipped, empowered, and ready to take on 2023.

  • Look Back Before You Look Ahead

    27/12/2022 Duración: 25min

    Before we rush into the new year, we thought it would be valuable to spend this episode of the Conversations Podcast reflecting back on some of the key takeaways from 2022.In this episode, we’re diving into some of the key lessons we learned personally over this last year, as well as offering some thoughts on what happened in the world. A lot happened in 2022, and we’re talking about it here!What are some lessons you learned over this last year? Take the time to do some personal reflection of your own so you can cement these things in your heart—as well as let go of the things you don’t need to carry forward into the next year! Praying this episode helps you in your own process as you sort through this last year and find your focus heading into 2023!

  • "If Only I Had Known. . ." 4 Lessons on Marriage

    13/12/2022 Duración: 22min

    Ignorance is bliss, right? Wrong. When it comes to marriage, what we don't know often causes us untold amounts of frustration and heartache. Today on Conversations, we want to talk about four things we wish we would have known decades ago.Our goal in sharing these lessons is that we can deposit these life-altering, marriage-changing truths into your life so that you can learn from our mistakes. From watching your words, to investing in the right people, our sincere hope is that this episode will help you get where you want to go faster, while avoiding some of the common pitfalls we fell into along the way.This conversation is jam-packed with wisdom that you don’t want to miss out on!

  • Keys to Enjoying Life More

    29/11/2022 Duración: 27min

    Are you losing hope and feeling like you have nothing to look forward to in your family or marriage? Over the last forty years, we've grown and changed in many ways, but one of the best things we've done has been learning to find more joy in each other and in our family.Joy can be hard to find—especially when you are struggling to keep the right perspective in challenging seasons. On this episode of the Conversations podcast, we want to give you some essential keys to squeezing a bit more joy out of life—no matter what your current season looks like.The little things in life all add up, and in this episode, we'll give you some strategies to make the most of them and to begin experiencing a deeper, abiding enjoyment of life.

  • Lessons from 40 Years of Marriage

    15/11/2022 Duración: 25min

    We are BACK!Today, after a short hiatus, we're picking up where we left off with the Conversations podcast!We recently celebrated our 40th wedding anniversary—which is no small feat considering how difficult things were early on for us. We know many of you guys are going through similar struggles to what we went through, so we wanted to share some big take-aways that we've learned over the past four decades.Whether it's dealing with comparison, moving from your spouse's critic to their champion, learning how to play to their strengths, or beyond—you'll find something in this episode that will bless you! It’s our hope that these lessons bring breakthrough to couples who need answers and direction—like we did!We’re excited to be back on Conversations! Tune in, and if you haven't already, make sure to subscribe so you don't miss a single episode.

  • Best of Conversations: Fervent Prayer - Stay Persistent

    01/11/2022 Duración: 15min

    We have something exciting in store for this season of Conversations with John & Lisa. We'll be back in two weeks with new, fresh podcast content! But to celebrate passing 200 episodes, we’d like to bring you the “Best of Conversations” to share some of our most popular episodes you may have missed!In today’s throwback episode, John and Lisa offer personal stories as well as insights from James 5:16-18 to encourage us to pray with passion and a persistent attitude. This is just part one of a three-part series that initially aired in 2017!If you enjoyed today’s conversation, check out the two remaining episodes in the series by following the links below!Part 2 - Taking Authority 3 - Speak to It

  • Best of Conversations: Imparting Faith & Identity from One Generation to the Next

    18/10/2022 Duración: 53min

    We have something exciting in store for this season of Conversations with John & Lisa. We'll be back shortly with new, fresh podcast content! But to celebrate passing 200 episodes, we’d like to bring you the “Best of Conversations” to share some of our most popular episodes you may have missed!As parents, we all want our kids to grow up with a solid grasp on faith and an understanding of who they are created to be in Christ. But how do we truly impart this revelation from one generation to the next?Today on the Conversations podcast, we’re unpacking this question with our oldest and youngest sons, Addison and Arden.In this episode, we’re sitting down to discuss how one generation can truly instill faith and identity into the next. We’re sharing stories from our own experiences, and while we haven’t done this whole thing perfectly, we hope you’re able to take some lessons from the things we’ve done well (and not so well!), and build a legacy of faith for your family!We hope this episode equips you to embra

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